Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve•••

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Chapter Twelve


Resting on the studio floor, Yeosang left to go the bathroom temporarily, leaving me alone for a few to catch my breath. While sipping my water from my bottle, I felt a presence approach me, a shadow being casted above which blocked the lighting. Slowly looking up, I saw Hyunjin looking down at me with a blank expression.

"...Is there something wrong..." I asked quietly, diverting my eyes towards my bottle instead of his face.

Hyunjin sighed, shrugging his shoulders. "Just want to say you did a great job and you're really talented...and I really hope you join the dance club."

My head snapped up and I raised an eyebrow suspiciously. "What?"

"Please don't make me repeat myself..."

I giggled, shaking my head in surprise. "Why are you being nice to me? This doesn't seem like you."

"I noticed you didn't come to class yesterday and I feel as though it had something to do with me... so I'm sorry..." Hyunjin muttered quietly. "For what I did in the hallway."

Is this really happening?

"Hyunjin...apology accepted."

Now, his eyes grew wide with shock. "Really? Are you serious?"

I nodded, standing up from the floor with a gentle smile. "I don't see a point of holding anything against you. Also, you shouldn't apologize if you don't know what exactly you're apologizing for..."

"If it wasn't the hallway incident...Do you mind telling me what made you leave school early then...?"

"Why should I?" I leaned closer to him, teasing. "Did you miss me?"

Hyunjin scoffed, laughing sarcastically. "Not at all!"

"By the way, since we're actually talking for a moment, I'm having a party this Saturday at my house at seven." He paused, looking at the floor before mumbling. "You and your friends are officially invited..."

"We know, but thanks for officially inviting me. We'll be there." I giggled.

"Cool, see you then."

I watched as he quickly walked back to across the studio to talk to Ryujin, just in time as Yeosang walked back inside.

Dance class went better than I anticipated, making me somewhat regret missing it yesterday. Instructor Lia wouldn't stop trying to persuade me to join her club, but the idea of joining something that Hyunjin was not only part of but also the leader made me feel uneasy. However, the offer was definitely tempting.

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