Chapter Thirty-Six: MINSUNG SPECIAL Pt.2

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Chapter Thirty-Six

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Chapter Thirty-Six



Both Minho and I made our way back to our shared apartment after spending most of the morning and a little bit of the afternoon with the others. In the matter of one shared night together, the dynamics between both of our groups had shifted, resulting in each of us somehow finding a person to connect with.

Collapsing on my bed, I sighed heavily in relief. "I'm so happy everything worked out with those two."

"All thanks to my planning." Minho smirked. "The most difficult part was getting Hyunjin to actually agree to playing the game."

"Do you think it was best to have everyone just write only Felix and Hyunjin's names on the paper in the bowl?" I asked curiously.

He nodded, lying down on the bed next to me. "It worked out perfectly, and I have to give them credit for playing along so well. It was inevitable for them to get paired, but we didn't want it to be too suspicious."

"Well that's true..." I said softly. "I just wonder about how school is going to be now..."

"You think too much. Who cares what people think?"

I rolled my eyes and smiled. "It's not that I care. It's just a lot has happened within the week and for the two polar opposite groups of people to actually be dating now can come off as quite the shocker."

"Well," Minho sighed. "It's just another story to gossip about. Quite frankly, I'm happy both of our friends can get along now. Pretending to not like you was so draining."

"Right, because you did such a great job at doing that."


I laughed, rolling over onto my stomach. "I'm just saying! You practically flirted with me without any hesitation."

"How could I not?" He teased, poking one of my cheeks. "You're just too cute not to flirt with."

Rolling my eyes, I swatted his hand away. "Whatever. I agree with you though on the pretending thing...we came so far in just one night. We even have a group chat together!"

This time Minho laughed. "Right! Leave it to Wooyoung to basically force us to talk to each other. I had to put that chat on mute because of how much messages were flowing."

"You and me both..."

Suddenly, a yawn came out of me and I could feel myself getting sleepy. Minho placed a tender kiss on my forehead and brushed my hair back behind my ear. "Get some sleep, love...We can talk more when you wake up..."

I smiled gently and nodded before allowing myself to succumb to slumber. "Thank you.."


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Watching Han sleep was one of my favorite pastimes to do. From staring at his long eyelashes to admiring the puffiness of his cheeks, all of it brought a sense of calmness to me.

After waiting for about thirty minutes and making sure he was deep asleep, I grabbed a nearby blanket and covered him gently before getting up off the bed. Figuring that he would be hungry after napping, I made my way into the kitchen to start preparing dinner. After examining the available food options, I decided to make grilled meat skewers with the usual side dishes of rice, lettuce wraps, and kimchi, all of his favorites. I even had a small cheesecake for dessert to end the meal off right.

Cooking was another thing I found a sense of relaxation in doing. Despite the tedious preparation and process, the end result of the work was always worth it to me, especially seeing the joyful reaction from my partner.

Having already set up the rice cooker to cook, I carried the skewers to the patio to grill. Luckily enough for me, Han's bedroom was far from the sound of the grill, therefore making it easier to prepare the meal without disturbing his sleep.

The rice cooker timer sound of beeping alerting me that it was finished, just in time as I finished cooking all of the skewers to perfection. Turning off the grill and carrying them back inside, I placed all of the entrees on the dining table neatly before covering them. It wasn't until I heard the soft sounds of footsteps approaching that I looked up with a soft smile. "I was going to wake you up a bit later."

Han shook his head with a cute pout while rubbing his eyes. "You weren't in the room anymore and I could smell the food from far didn't have to do this babe..."

"Hush..." I said, pulling out one of the chairs for him. "Come, sit."

A soft smile grew in his face as he made his way over to the chair, sitting down and admiring the food in front of him. "You made my favorites?"

"Of course I did. Anything to make you happy."

Both of us said our graces before sharing out our own plates of food, with me giving him more skewers than myself. I watched as he took a bite of meat before looking at me with happy eyes. "These are so good!"

I rolled my eyes playfully. "You and your bad habit of talking with your mouth full. Eat up."

He stuck out his tongue at me before breaking into laughter, continuing to fill his mouth with lettuce-wrapped meat and rice, making happy sounds and tiny dances in his seat from the joy of tasting the food.
I watched him with adoration, genuinely feeling full at just the sight of him enjoying the meal.

It was moments like these that made me imagine a long future with the male beside me. The small acts of sharing a meal together while playfully teasing each other made me want to spend the rest of my life with him. All I knew is that there was no one else made for me like Han.

All I want to do is make sure to keep him by my side...

Only four more chapters left...

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