Chapter Thirty: JONGSANG SPECIAL Pt.1

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Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty



Watching both targeted males walk inside the closet, I turned my head to the rest of the group with a smirk. "Do you think anything is going to happen between those two..?"

Han laughed. "Based on how Hyunjin reacted with Minho walking in with him, I have no doubt something good will happen between them."

"Finally!" San groaned. "This was mentally exhausting to watch. At least they can have a real moment together without any restrictions.

"Should we leave them alone...? This game was just for them to get together..." Hongjoong whispered.

Seonghwa nodded. "Yeah, I think we can leave them be... Let's go back up to the party."

The eight of us all stood up and slowly made our way back upstairs to the blaring party, noticing that nothing had changed from the time we arrived. Each of us went our separate ways, and as I was trying to go outside, Jongho grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the dance floor.

"Jongho! What are you doing?!"

He smirked. "You owe me a dance, Sangie. We didn't get our moment inside the closet, so now I'm making one here."

Fighting back a blush, I tried pulling my hand out of his tight grip. "I don't dance, Jongho..."

"That's a lie. You're literally in dance class and you are in the dance club. Come on, you can't fool me that easily."

Damn it...

Reluctantly allowing him to continue pulling me, it wasn't until we were in the middle of the crowd that he released his grip and placed his hands on my waist. Gently, he brought my body close to his and softly spoke in my ear against the music. "Just one dance...Please?"

"Fine...Just one."

As soon as we began to move, the loud uptempo music suddenly switched a slow love song, a song I recognized to be one of my favorites. Looking up at Jongho, I noticed the smirk on his face as he continued to sway our bodies together.

How did he...

My mind began reeling with questions, as my thoughts couldn't figure out how Jongho knew this song. There was never a time where we exchanged words long enough for a true conversation to occur, and yet, this song was something that just happened to play. The last time I played this song aloud was my junior year, specifically at the Winter dance competition.

I bit my lip, feeling a warmth slowly grow within my chest at the gesture.

There's no way...

There was no way that the male in front of me would know something like that, something so small, so trivial. Part of me was skeptical, but another part of me was extremely touched. It was the first time someone did something like this, especially a stranger at that.

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