Chapter Thirty-Four

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Chapter Thirty-Four•••

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Chapter Thirty-Four


The weather was beautiful, with the two of us driving towards the first spot on my list: The Amusement Park. I wanted to experience fun and excitement before ending the day at our second destination at the beach. Hand and hand, I focused my attention on the road in front of me while gently rubbing my thumb on the back of his soft skin.

"Where are we going?" Felix asked curiously, his eyes full of wonder as we continued our drive.

A small smirk on my face grew. "I want it to be a surprise, and hopefully, you like it...It's the first stop on our list."

Felix looked at me with new sense of surprise in his eyes. "There's more?"

"Of course. Don't worry, it's only two places."

That seemed to settle the conversation as I noticed a smile grow on his face, his attention turning to the passing scenery outside the passenger window. All I could think about was the turn of events between us in the matter of days, something I didn't even expect to happen. My goal today was make a different step forward, one where I could somewhat make up for I treated him in the beginning.

I noticed the sight of the ferris wheel in the distance, meaning we were close to our destination. A gasp was heard from Felix as he turned to me. "Hyunjin, we're going to the Amusement park?"

"Yes we are. I hope that isn't a problem?" I asked slightly nervous.

Felix shook his head eagerly. "I haven't been to one since my trip to Korea, specifically Lottie World. I love this."

Thank goodness...

I smiled while pulling into the parking lot . "Well perfect. Let's have fun then, hmm?"

Pulling into an empty space and shutting the engine off, I opened my door and walked over to his, opening it from him to step up. A small giggle escaped him as he followed suit, taking in the environment with excitement in his eyes. "This is amazing..."

Intertwining his fingers with my own, I smirked. "Let's go inside and enjoy it. We still have another spot to go to later."

Gently tugging him, we made our way inside the amusement park with smiles. I allowed him to choose each attraction or station to visit, each one bringing out more and more excitement from the male. His eyes lit up at the sight of bumper cars, pointing to them with a bright smile. "Let's do that!"

Smirking, I nodded in agreement as he tugged me toward the entrance for it. There wasn't much people in line waiting, but a few murmurs spread from the other attendees.

"Oh my goodness, are they models?"

"Look babe, they're a couple! They are so handsome!"

"Wow...the one with the freckles looks like a fairy..."

Felix turned to me with a smile, obviously hearing the whispers regarding us. "Do you hear them?"

"Yeah, and everything is true."I teased. "Especially the last comment about you being a fairy."

He blushed, rolling his eyes and turning away from me. "Whatever..."

Soon it was our turn to enter, both of us choosing our own cars far away from each other. Once settled, I yelled in Korean to him. "Naega igil geos-ida!"( "I will win!")

Felix stuck his tongue out at me, and before you know it, the timer started.


"I'm sorry, what was that you were saying earlier? Mister so-called winner?" Felix teased as we walked to one of the games-with-prizes stands.

I mumbled. "You're just lucky my car was malfunctioning..."

"Right, right, a malfunctioning car. Got it."

Rolling my eyes, I sighed as we stood in front of the stand. "Fine, you beat me. As your prize, I'll win you something from here."

Felix smiled, looking at all the stuffed animals with wondering eyes. Suddenly, he pointed to the biggest one. "I want that one, the ferret plushie."

"Why would you want a ferret plushie?" I asked skeptically.

"I have my reasons..." he snickered. "That's what I want, so get it."

Looking at the stand, I noticed it was a basketball shooting challenge. Smirking to myself, I turned to the elderly man running the stand. "Excuse me, sir. How many shots do I need to make in order to win that ferret thing up there?"

The elder smiled a gentle smile. "You have to make 30 shots under a two minute timer in order to win that."

Seems easy enough...

Paying the man two dollars, the countdown for the timer to start began.





A multitude of basketballs fell down from the cage to me, and I began throwing them with fast pace, mentally trying to beat the timer and then some.

"Hyunjin, you're doing great!" Felix cheered.

I made 16 shots so far under a minute, and the amount needed was slowly creeping up. However, my once perfect aim started becoming sloppy, with shots beginning to miss the hoop.

"Aish." I cursed to myself.

There was only ten seconds left when I made the last shot to make 30, and I squeezed in an extra one exactly at the buzzer.

"Congratulations, sir. That was quite impressive. Here's your prize!" The elder man smiled, picking the large ferret plushie off of the prize wall. "Enjoy."

Nodding a quick thanks, I handed the plushie to Felix before beginning our walk to the Ferris Wheel. "Here you go."

"Thank you..." He said shyly. "You wanna know why I really wanted this plushie?"

"Sure. Why?"

"Because you look like a ferret!" He teased before running away from me.

"YA!" I yelled, laughing loudly as I chase him through the crowd.

The sight of his blonde hair in the distance, his laugh echoing as he continued his playfully run away from me, only made me regret ever thinking of hurting him. The pure innocence radiating off of him reminded me of a ray of sunshine, shining its beautiful light on my once dark soul.

He made it to the Ferris Wheel, still laughing as I grabbed him in my arms. Swirling him around to face me, I pressed a soft kiss on his lips before pulling away, noticing a blush on his cheeks.

"W-What was that for...?" He asked in a hushed whispered.

I smiled. "Just wanted to do that. Let's go on this and then we can go to our next location, hmm?"

Felix nodded, intertwining his hand with my own. "Let's go."


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