Chapter Thirty-Seven: SEONGJOONG SPECIAL Pt. 2

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Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Chapter Thirty-Seven



"Seonghwa...where are you taking me?"

The male holding my hand didn't answer, but I noticed a smile on his face as he continued pulling me to some unknown location through the forest. We left Hyunjin's house after everyone went their separate ways, but Seonghwa had a plan to spend longer time with me before the day ended. The walk from the house wasn't far, but my curiosity was growing more and more as he refused to disclose his intentions.

"We're almost there, you'll see it soon." Seonghwa reassured confidently, easing some of my nerves.

As soon as he said it, I notice that we were nearing an open meadow of white flowers and dandelions all around. My eyes grew wide at the sight, as a sense of calmness wash over me just from the beauty. Once we reached and made our way in the middle of the field, I gasped in awe. " did you find this?"

He smiled softly. "When me and the others were younger, we would go exploring together throughout the entire backyard and surrounding areas. It was me who found this accidentally with Hyunjin and from there, we kept it a secret. Knowing how the others are, they wouldn't appreciate it as much as we would."

"This is beautiful...but why are you sharing it with me?"

"Because these flowers remind me of you."

A blush instantly rose on my cheeks, but I laughed it off. "You and your jokes..."

Seonghwa raised an eyebrow, then out of nowhere, grabbed and pulled me down onto the flower bed, causing me to squeal out from the sudden action. Laying above me, he brushed a piece of my hair back and looked at me with adoration in his eyes. "I'm not joking, Joongie. You really don't know how long I've had a crush on you, do you?"

"No...I know how long I've had one on you though."

That simple mention made his ear perked up. "How long was that...?"

"Since middle school..." I said shyly, turning my face away from embarrassment.

He gently turned my face back to look up at him. "Seems like we're one and the same then..."

"You're just saying that to make me feel better."

He chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. "I don't know what I have to do to get you to believe me, but it's the truth."

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