Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight•••

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Chapter Twenty-Eight


Everyone in the room sat next to their preferred partners, leaving Felix and I to be joined together by default. San was on my left, while Felix was on my right.

I shouldn't be playing this...

"Alright! Since this game is new to Felix, I'll explain the rules. Everyone's name will be entered into a bowl and I will select two names each time. Those two people will have to go into that closet," Minho explained, pointing to the empty supply closet behind me, "and stay inside with each other for seven minutes. What you two do with those seven minutes is up to you, but I say take advantage of the time. Also, anything that happens, stays between the two people. Got it?"

Han added with a smirk. "To make it more fun, if you get chosen, you two have to take a sip or a shot of your drink before going in."

"That actually sounds fun! I'm in!" Felix smiled.

Oh Felix...

San grinned. "Since the new kid is in, let's not waste anymore time then."

Minho ripped up pieces of paper and gave each of us one to write our names on. All I could think about was the possibility of being stuck inside the closet with Felix. The liquor in my cup was slowly starting to take its effect on me, but I knew I could manage a couple of rounds before actually getting tipsy or drunk.

Once everyone gave their papers back to Minho folded, he placed them all in the bowl and began to shake it. "Let's choose the first two people."

A couple of shakes went before he picked up two pieces of paper. Slowly, a smirk grew on his face as he revealed the two names. "Seonghwa and Hongjoong!"

"Oh my goodness." Felix giggled, watching Seonghwa pick up a blushing Hongjoong and carry him into the closet with ease. As soon as the door shut, all of us bursted out laughing.

"Let's start the timer!" Wooyoung grinned, pressing the button on Han's phone to begin the countdown.

San leaned over and whispered in my ear. "Are you ready for your turn?"

"Shut. Up." I whispered back with a scowl, rolling my eyes and focusing my attention on the timer. It wasn't long before the alarm went off, and the two boys walked out of the closet with deep-red blushes on both of their cheeks. Glancing at Seonghwa, I noticed a small mark on the side of his neck as he sat back down in the circle. All I could do was smile to myself.

"Well then, let's do the next pair of names." Han smiled, reaching into the bowl deliberately slow. Picking up two pieces of paper, he opened them and gasped. "It's Felix and Minho..."


Both mentioned males grew wide eyed, and as per rules, took a sip of their drink before standing up. Wooyoung and Yeosang started laughing as we all watched the two make their way into the closet.

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