owo what's this?

367 15 21

Well, well, well.. look what we have here...

It is, yet again, my dumb ass-

Ok but on a serious note, it's almost 2024 and I'm still grateful that this oneshot book has been my most successful work with currently 976k reads and 25.6k votes!

I'm not gonna lie again and say that I'm working on original novels (I actually am but I won't say because I'll become a clown and jinx myself if I do) but I'm still fairly active in wattpad

I'm rethinking of writing again, maybe just because I want to reach 1M reads... yeah I'm a sad little author boo-hoo I want reads and votes waaahhh-

Ok but... hear me out. I could rewrite some of these oneshots, like a remastered version. Idk.

Also I did want to check on you guys but the question is, who on earth would still have this book in their library?? Idk how many people I'm talking to rn but I'd love to hear from you all <3

Another note, I would have written more FNAF oneshots but if I go back to my book (again) despite saying the book is completed, I will once again present my clownery to the audience. I could tho...

The FNAF movie came out and I saw it and it was good. Made me wanna write again.

However, my finals are coming up this December and if I write now, I feel like I'll be distracted again from my responsibilities. If anyone would like to see remastered versions of the TPN oneshots (again, I'm selfish and I want to reach 1M reads-), let me know!

That's all for now

If you reached the end of this message, thank you for being here. Thank you for surviving up to this point. Keep going!


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