roommate • norman/ray

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A/n: lmao I feel like it's been two months since I last updated

Proof why Ray isn't seme: (fite me)

Proof why Ray isn't seme: (fite me)

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*not too extreme smut

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Ray Seme/Norman Uke
Ray Uke/Norman Seme

His new roommate is a cute boy who had short platinum blond hair- probably soft like cotton, eyes as blue as the ocean waves, his smile as pure as the heavens, and his skin as pale as the chilly winter day.

Ray blinked at the masterpiece before him. "Hey, m-my name's Ray." The black-haired beauty mentally cursed himself for stuttering.


Ray firmly shook Norman's hand with a smile before returning back to his book. His grey eyes trailed over to watch his new roommate unpack his belongings. That awkward silence made its appearance and clouded the room.



"Would you like to go grab a bite?"

"I'd be delighted."

Ray and Norman quickly got along, finding mutual interests and finding comfort in each other's presence. They go their separate ways to class, later finding the time to chat with one another. At the end of the day, they collapse in their dorm room. They let sleep conquer their systems for a good night's rest at last. Both boys fall asleep with an unknowing smile.

The moon shone brightly up in the dark sky. Ray sighs. He wouldn't have come to the party despite Emma's constant nagging. But she did say that Norman would be coming. It's only for tonight, Ray internally sighed. It's not an understatement to say that he hates any form of social interaction. Although knowing that he won't have a good time, he'd still give it a shot...only to see Norman.

As soon as Ray walks into the godforsaken party, he wanted to turn around and leave already. Seeing drunk college students dry humping each other is stereotypical but still very disgusting. Ray cringed with every step he took. Honestly, all he wanted was to see Norman. He began to doubt Emma's previous words.

"Is he here or not?"

Ray was about to make a quick escape until someone tapped him on the shoulder. Ray panicked, but smiled upon seeing who it was.

"I'm so glad I found someone I know here," the albino exhales happily.

"Same here, Norman."

The night went on, and so did a few drinks. Between the two of them, Norman is the one who has a high tolerance of alcohol consumption. In the end, Ray ended up drunk, slightly frustrated. The angel brought his roommate back to their dorm. The drunk devil began to slur out his words.

"Normannnnnn I looooove youuuu!!!"

"Ray, you're dru-"

"I reallyy lovvvee yooou..."

And that's when Norman finally knew. He can do it. He'd be the devil for once, taking advantage of a drunken angel on the bed.
(I swear idk what I'm doing...)

Ray's senses came back suddenly as soon as Norman smashed his lips against him. In a sense, this scenario would be wrong, but that doesn't matter. Norman pushes his tongue further in, giving no chance for Ray to react. He moans into the kiss. Norman bites down and sucks on Ray's lower lip. Ray whimpers. And at this point, he noticed Norman pulling him in, and then he began taking off all their clothes. He continues sucking the air out of him. Ray miraculously ended up on top of Norman, the latter groping Ray's butt real tight.

It started out with a kiss. How did it end up like this?

As Ray came to this realization, he slowly pushed Norman away. He crumpled his face, his heart pounding, his head screaming hesitation.

"I don't feel like I'm the one for you."

Norman felt bad that he took advantage of Ray, but again, it didn't really matter. Why? Because Norman loved Ray...

"I know we're both guys but I love you too, Ray."

"But I'm drunk, right?"

"You're sobering up."

...And in return, Ray loved Norman as well.
His new roommate is now his new boyfriend.

Norman pulls Ray as close as he can. By now, their erect members were touching, maybe too close for comfort. Norman, bringing out his secret kinky side, suddenly flipped positions and pushed against Ray's ass. From there on, he carefully went in. What can only be heard was Ray's soft moans gradually getting louder, and the soft squelching and squeezing sounds they made as they began to get wet. The night went on and so did they.

And Ray would still recall that night even as he sobers up tomorrow.

the end.

Lmao what did I just write?
Don't worry, the next lemon (Ray x reader) will be better

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