tokens • ray

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(haha sorry I suddenly thought of mixing three requests into one cuz I'm a lazy fuck)

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[Arcade Gamers AU]

Emma, Norman, Ray, and Y/n are twelve-year-old kids who grew up together in an orphanage. Even after being adopted and separated from each other, they still found a way to meet again.

Today, all the kids joyfully ride on their bikes and head straight to the arcade!

Their delightful voices and the sounds of game machines powering up take over the entire vicinity. Another beautiful morning day of gaming.

"Game on!"

Clicking. Beeping. Shouting. Exploding. All the sounds. The arcade is the paradise where a kid would go to spend the entire day playing games and playing with friends. The same goes for Emma and everyone else.

For Y/n and Ray, they always team up and play every game there is. If it was for single-players, then they would take turns. They would waste their tokens just to have fun- and that is pure joy for them.

(A/N: I'm not a 90's kid but I've been to an arcade and I know the fucking joy of playing there. I miss playing Tekken.)

Ray, for the most part, teaches Y/n a few techniques that help to win. After each victory, she would give him a big grin and a thank you. He would sigh with content, ruffle her hair, and keep playing. There was nothing romantic or whatsoever about the two. They were just as close as siblings. She relied on Ray like the little sister that she is. He always helped Y/n out like the big brother that he is. That was all there is to it, and they want it to stay that way.

"Come on! Beat 'em up!"

There came out Y/n's grunts and exclaims while playing Tekken. She was losing her game, whilst Ray was watching her do so. In the end, she really lost. But she also ran out of tokens. Sighing disappointedly, she turned on her heel and walked towards the door.

"You going home?"

"I'm out of tokens, Ray."

"Here. I have a few extra."

Ray has never seen her face light up so brightly before. This was the first time. And it made him happy too.

"Thanks, Ray!"

She gave him her signature smile. And in return, he ruffled her hair.

"See ya tomorrow!"

"You know it."

Before parting ways, Y/n holds up her fist with a good grin. Ray copies her grin and happily returns the brofist. They ride their separate roads and look forward to tomorrow.

the end.

A/N: Guys be honest with me, would you prefer to read more Ray shots? I did notice that I gained more profits from making Ray shots. (This one was kinda plain so-)

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