mystery • norman

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A special farm. Daily special tests. A special brain. A special connection.

Behind the glass walls were deformed creatures brutally used as experiments. In the beginning, he hadn't had a single clue as to where he was. But after a little observation of the place, he discovered that there was more to this farm than what there seemed to be.

"Where is he?"

While he finished another test, he hears a faint voice from the other room. The voice belonged to a young female, as what Norman had deduced. She might even be close to Norman's age with the way she sounded. He was a bit surprised, not knowing the existence of a female researcher. Since most girls go down the path of becoming a "Mama," this meant that Y/n is smart. This girl was given another option she never knew existed. Who was she looking for anyway?

"Hey! Who gave you permission to come here?" One of the researchers asked rudely.

"I come and go as I please, dimwits. Anyway, have you tried adding the number of items to the tests? Try giving him 500 questions."

Since the other room was blocked by a one-way mirror, Norman wasn't able to see anything on the other side. From what he hears, the girl argues with the rest of the researchers. The way she spoke made herself sound as if she was smarter than everyone else in the room. Though in this case, she is smarter compared to the others.

"Norman? Can you hear me?" The mysterious girl spoke over the microphone. Her voice now heard loud and clear, Norman began to think of the many possibilities of this woman's identity. His intellectual mind constructed questions and theories while he carefully brought out responses.

"Yes, I can hear you well." Norman looked up. "Who is speaking?"

"My name is Y/n. You have an appointment with me tomorrow."

Appointment? Of what sort? How old is this girl really? Does this Y/n have a high authority over the other researchers? Norman had many questions indeed, which he hopes she'd answer at tomorrow's appointment. He'll just have to wait and see.

♦︎ ♦︎ ♦︎

"My name is Y/n. My farm number and the plantation where I came from isn't important as of now. If you have any questions, please tell me before we run out of time."

Y/n had earlier requested to have a private talk with Norman. Upon meeting face-to-face, the young blue-eyed genius finally meets someone above his level. She wasted no time to talk since one hour was only given.

"How old are you?"

"Same age as you, Norman."

The said boy studied the girl before him carefully. She held a serious look in those (e/c) eyes of hers. Only her mouth would move when she speaks, and she would only blink every other moment or so. Her (h/c) hair was especially groomed and fixed. She was consistent in keeping a straight face, showing barely any emotion. Her body, straightened up, formally yet comfortably seated with her legs closed together. Her feet were also positioned well. Her arms were sitting atop her lap. She was about the same height as him. Her white lab coat covered her body from her neck down to below her knees. It was as if she pierced through Norman's soul. Everything about this girl is different. Was she like this when she was still living in the comforts of the orphanage? Why wasn't she given the option to be a Mama? More questions just piled up in Norman's head. It rendered him utterly confused.

"How did you become a researcher?"

"As I mentioned earlier, I discovered the secret of the farm at the age of 10. My Mama didn't know that I knew that, so she shipped me out at 11. It came as a surprise to me that I wasn't going to be eaten. Instead, some weird people brought me to work here."

Since Norman had a sixty-minute opportunity, he asked whatever question he had in mind. She gladly obliged to answer, but only half of them. The more they talked, the more mysteries revolved around her. But thankfully, he got to know more.

"Is that all, Norman?"

"Yes. That's all."

Y/n checks her watch for the second time. She brings out a tiny lopsided smile. That can only mean that her one hour is up. And Norman used that time well.

"We'll talk again soon, Norman. One week from now. Wait for me."

For the one week of waiting, Norman tried to comprehend with the information he learned about this mystery girl. Meanwhile, Y/n sealed her lips and continued working behind the scenes. She would be the key to help with Norman's escape, along with William Minerva's other supporters.

♦︎ ♦︎ ♦︎

"And how are you today, Norman?"

"I'm good...thanks."

Unlike last week, Y/n now acted differently. This time, she sat with her back slightly slouching. Her legs were crossed and her arms were on each of her knees. Her head was tilted to the left and a minuscule smile was visible on her face. The girl gave off a completely different vibe compared to the last time they met.

"This is who I really am. I just wanted to make a good impression the first time."

"Second impressions still ex-"

"You and I have kindred minds, Norman."

While the two geniuses got to know each other more, they also constructed a brilliant plan to escape. They were all moving behind the scenes and behind the backs of the Ratri Clan. But after Peter Ratri learns of the movement, he ordered a purge to eliminate every last supporter. By that time, Norman set to destroy the plantation, but he was trying to escape with Y/n.

"Just go, Norman! I'll catch up!"

"I'm not leaving you here!"

"I'll see you again soon, Norman. Just wait for me, okay?"

With one last smile, Y/n made sure that Norman escaped. And every day after that, Norman was at a loss. His heart clenched in pain, not knowing if that girl was dead or alive. But thanks to her and Smee, Norman was well on his way to saving every last cattle child.

It had been more than weeks since Λ7214 was destroyed. Even when Emma and the rest finally reunited, he still couldn't help but worry about that mystery girl Y/n. It was odd since he knew that there was a connection between them. He was still waiting.

"Oh, Y/n. You're still a great big puzzle to me. Why did you help me? Why aren't you here yet? And why haven't you told me who you really are?"

the end.

※ I apologize for making this one-shot sound so hollow. I'll try better next time. (Sorry, I was trying to make the reader to be Norman's sister...)

December 2020 edit:

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