models • ray

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{Model AU}

"Yes! Excellent! Very good! Strike that pose for me, darling!"

Camera flashes, clothes and bling all around; it's another busy day for all of us.

☁︎ ☁︎ ☁︎

The fashion business and modeling industry has been booming these past few years, a few of us are lucky to even be here.

[Do you consider yourself to be lucky?]

Yep. Even though I'm not a designer or a model. I'm just glad to be here today. Oh, and don't even get me started about the models here in Grace Field Fashion Industries. They're the ones who are super lucky.

"Hey, Hikaru! Miss Y/n is calling for you!"


My name is Hikaru and I work here as a producer and a journalist. I produce fashion shows, and I write articles about the next big thing. Y/n is my friend, a stunning model who also works here. She's very lucky, y'know. Not everyone's cut out to be a model like her. Yeah, and I did say just previously that each one of us here are lucky.

"You okay, hun?"

"Oh, Nat. I lost a bet to a guy in a chiffon skirt!"

I went backstage to the dressing room and I found Nat with Y/n. Nat is a young and great model, everyone loves him, especially his amazing nose. They were talking about those bets again. I don't know anything about it but I feel like I shouldn't even try to get involved.

[But what kind of bets are they?]

I have no clue. All I know is they talk with models from other agencies and they do shit. I don't want to know anything about it it's not my business. I don't involve myself in things that aren't featuring the models in top-of-the-line clothing. I love gossip as much as the next diva, but I don't deal with that stuff.

"You called me, Y/n?"

"Oh, Hikaru! Yes, I need your help!"

"If it's about those bets, you know I don't want anything to do with those."

"No, it's about Ray! He's keeping secrets from me!"

Ah, of course. It's always Ray. Y/n likes Ray and everyone knows that. We all just want them to make it official, really.

[You said that Y/n likes Ray. Does Ray like her?]

Well, yeah. I mean, it's so obvious. The two act like a lovey-dovey couple every day! Have you seen the tabloids about that? Some of them were just dirt, but some of them were real close. But if anyone would know the answer to that, it would be Emma and Norman.

☁︎ ☁︎ ☁︎

Hi! My name is Emma! I have been working as a model in Grace Field ever since I was eleven. Isabella took me in back then and raised me well.

[Yes, hello, Emma. We would like to interview you today. You could tell us about your fellow models in work.]

Oh, sure! I'd be glad to tell you everything. Well, firstly, I have all my friends- I love them like family! There's Norman; they love dressing him in feathers because of his angel-like looks. There's Ray; a total emo who always dresses in dark colors. He's like the Prince Of Darkness or something. Then there's Don and Gilda, dressed in a huge variety of clothes! And I can't forget Anna, and then Nat; who has an incredible nose. And last but not least; Y/n. She's just so unique. We all love her.

[Oh, that's very nice. Could you please tell us about the relationship between Y/n and Ray? We're awfully curious.]

Aha! That is something that must remain a secret, sorry. If you ask Norman, I'm pretty sure he won't say anything either. I do assure you of one thing; Ray and Y/n love each other.

☁︎ ☁︎ ☁︎

"Good job, everyone! That's it for today!"

"See you tomorrow!"

At the end of the day, models are still people. They get tired, they go home and sleep, then they prepare themselves for tomorrow.

"Hey, Ray?"


"Are we,"

"Are you an idiot? Of course we are. We just made it official today."

"What? That makes no sense!"

meh, the end.

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