apologize • ray

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*Angst + a twist at the end

Y/n and Emma found themselves trapped inside of Goldy Pond; a playground of death and never-ending nightmares.

After a while, Nous had already scathed Y/n's left arm. Violet managed to give her a small window of chance to run away and get help. Ray and Yuugo arrive shortly after. Later on, Ray reunites with Y/n and Emma.

"I'm glad you're both alright!" Ray exclaims.

The group forms a plan to defeat Lewis. Despite her painfully throbbing arm, Y/n insists that she can still fight. The events and the bullets whizz by. Despite the pain, Y/n perseveres. The fight with Lewis was a long and enduring battle. A moment of victory was achieved with cheers and exclaims of freedom. Finally, they exhale.

"Lewis is dead!"

Y/n smiles, glad that her family would still have a future. She's glad that Emma and Ray can move on and make a new promise.

"Y/n? Are you okay?"

Before Ray even got to her, Y/n collapsed. It was slow-motion in everyone's eyes. She fell. She bled out. Lewis got to her at some point, maybe it was during the flash, or maybe it was by chance, or accident. Whichever it was, it was too late for Y/n.

Ray rushed to his loved one, cradling her body. Tears welled up in her eyes as she cried out,

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry I wasn't careful, I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention! I'm sorry I wasn't smart enough! I'm sorry-!"

"What are you apologizing for?! This wasn't your fault!"

He held her body close. Petrified, she cried in his arms. He was scared of losing her. She was scared he'd lose himself. The moment of victory turned into a moment of loss for Ray. Everything slipped past his mind, only Y/n remained. Why? Why now? Why now when everything began to work out? Why did fate decide to take Y/n?

And as a pool of blood continued to pour out, she slowly began to slip into the afterlife. With her last breath gone, Ray cried.


"Alright, good job everyone! Let's take a break!"

Next up:
1. Norman x Ray smut
2. Ray x reader lemon/smut
3. A lemon nobody even asked for

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