tenshi • norman

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SweetKisserDreamer this one's for you
(And since Norman was acting weird in the latest manga chapters, let's bring him back, yeah?)
*this takes place when they're 10 years old, I guess...

Tenshi (天使) means "Angel"

Nothing else could make Y/n's day better than seeing Norman's beautiful face. She wakes up happily, knowing what today has to bestow upon her. The bright sun, the wonderful food, her energetic siblings, a loving Mama, and a gorgeous Norman.

Since they've grown up together, Y/n has known Norman for the most part. She thinks that the boy is an angel (next to Emma, of course). She absolutely loves Norman...even though she knows that he madly loves Emma. Nevertheless, Y/n will forever adore Norman for the rest of her days.


"Good morning~!"

As always, the bell rang throughout the house and woke the children. Everyone rose from their white beds with pretty smiles on their faces. They ran downstairs to the kitchen, their laughter and morning greetings resonating off the walls. Their white uniforms were ready to get dirty for today. The food is a blessing upon them once again.

"Thank you for the food."

It was an everyday routine that went on and on for a child in the Grace Field House, seeing that it would only end when that child is picked for adoption. But as one sibling would leave, another new sibling is brought in. That has always been the way of things, and nobody bothered to notice the wrong things.
But still, that won't change anything much. If the children are clueless, then their only future leads to their deaths.

"Let's play tag!"

"Hey, why don't we play hide and seek for a change?"

Outside in the fields where the children play, everything is simply joyful days and sunny smiles. They don't know a single thing...

"Then you'll be the seeker, Y/n. You did suggest playing the game."

"Fine by me. But I would like to propose one rule: everybody should hide in the southernmost parts of the forest."

Y/n goes over to the tree were Ray sat by, closing her eyes and counting up to twenty. Before she leaves, Ray shows her a stopwatch, having already started the timer. With full speed, Y/n runs to the forest. She did know that some kids would hide in the southwestern parts. Some kids might even hide near the east to outsmart Y/n. First off, find everyone. After them, find Emma, and lastly, Norman.


"Congrats, Y/n. Six and a half minutes is definitely your top record now," Ray praised. Y/n was glad that she caught everyone, although disappointed that she spent three entire minutes seeking Norman.

The white haired boy placed a hand on the girl's shoulder, smiling at her sweetly. "You did a good job, Y/n. At least you found me."

Y/n's face explodes red at the sudden contact.

And then, came the the unexpected day. The day when Y/n would have to leave the house. She was very saddened, and so was everybody else. But that didn't change anything. Nobody would know what fate befalls poor Y/n.

"Norman, before I leave, I wanted to say thank you for everything. Wherever I may be, I will keep you beside me, for you are my angel."

Y/n gives a hug and a quick kiss goodbye to Norman before actually leaving with Mama. As they end up by the gates, Y/n is surprised to see a man standing by. He looked very menacing, and his character raises many questions. He takes one look at Y/n before speaking, "Isabella, make sure to bring the other one."

"Of course, sir."

This also raised billions of questions in Y/n's head. Who is this man? What is happening? Mama's name is Isabella?? The mysterious man takes Y/n's hand quite harshly, but she pulls back and goes to hug her Mama.

"Mama, can you give this letter to Norman when you go back?"

Young Y/n gave a sealed letter, asking Isabella to send it to Norman. Isabella came to suspicion about the letter, she then decided that she would take a peek at the contents after Y/n leaves.

"Dear Norman,

I love you. I hope to see you again in the future.

Love, Y/n."

It seems that it's only a letter filled with Y/n's overflowing hope. Isabella shakes it off and hands it to Norman anyway. It's just a harmless letter, is it not?

the end.

Coming next: Oliver x Reader

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