jailbreak • ray

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*don't comment. don't test me. i'll delete the oneshot. just vote. also stop the conny jokes and death jokes. not funny.

Y/n is another child in the orphanage who just turned 11-years-old after Conny left the House. Unbeknownst to everyone, she has been planning her escape since she was seven. Y/n admits that she isn't as smart as Norman, or as strong as Emma, or as cunning as Ray. She was somewhat normal like the rest of the kids but she kept her talents hidden, knowing that she won't be able to use them for their actual purposes. Not unless someone makes a move.


"Good morning, everyone!"

The clock has already rung, waking up the entire House. A new day has begun. Emma's cheery voice rang through the entire room. She did try her very best to put on a smile. Everybody else remained the same. On the inside, Emma was afraid. She knew that there were eyes that watched her and Norman's every move. She had to be very cautious.

"I bet I can race you there first!"

"No fair, Y/n! You're older!"

"I can't help it if you're all slow! Pick up the pace!"

Everyone's voices resounded off the walls. Emma wouldn't know what to do once the owners of these voices disappear. She can't bear to lose anyone ever again. Her green eyes trailed to the ground, filled with determination to escape with her family.


Emma held in a sharp breath, thinking that it was Mama who had spoken. After seeing that it was only Y/n, Emma let out a small sigh of relief.

"Good morning, Y/n."

Y/n snapped Emma out of her thoughts. The two girls exchange a small smile before heading to eat with the rest. And while everyone enjoyed their meals, Mama Isabella's eyes menacingly scanned through the room and took a look at each of the children. Her violet orbs landed over to Emma, Norman, Ray, and Y/n. Then over to Don and Gilda. Isabella was on edge. However, she needn't worry at all.

"Your scores have improved again, Y/n. Good job." Mama caresses the girl's cheek lovingly.

"Thank you, Mama." Y/n beams.

The daily test took place after breakfast. After that was laundry time, then lunch. And afterwards, there was free time for all. While Emma and her group went to make plans once again, and while the rest played tag like the usual, Y/n went through her own plans quietly. It was a very risky plan- more dangerous than Emma's groups' plan- but if anyone was gonna make this plan work, it was Y/n. If the young girl miraculously got Isabella to play along, then Y/n will definitely escape. If all else fails, Y/n will die in satisfaction knowing that her siblings have escaped. However, there is one minor detail she has to fix. Y/n has to talk to Ray.

"What? You want me to sell you out to Mama?" The said boy asks in disbelief.

Y/n nods nonchalantly, "Yes. I'm sure my sacrifice will be useful for everyone's escape."

The two conversed in the bedroom. It made Ray think hard. He and Y/n were the only ones who knew about the farm and its secrets at such a young age. He kept her around to help him- for the most part. The two had different plans, but that didn't stop them from being on the same side. They were both plotting against Mama after all.

"Why would I do that?"

"You have choices, Ray. But none of them require you to sacrifice Norman, Emma, or yourself. It has to be me."

"That's where you're wrong, Y/n. And why does it have to be you anyway?"

Ray and Y/n had a teensy little fight at that time. After that, they ignored each other for the time being. Isabella noticed this and inquired Ray about it. He says it was merely a simple argument, so she brushed it off and continued with her plan. And the day came when Sister Krone arrived. It was unexpected for the kids- and there was even a new addition to the family. But if Mama was confident enough to control the situation, why would she bring in another adult?

"Don't worry. I'll keep an eye on Krone. You can count on me," Y/n reassures. "If she makes a move, I'll have Mama take her down instead."

Luckily, Y/n had already joined Emma's group a few days back and volunteered to be the lookout. She does this, as one of her special skills includes watching. She can land her eyes on anyone and watch their every move. Just like an eagle watching her prey. Watching Krone would be a piece of cake, considering what happened when she made an agreement with Norman and the rest.

"We'll have one of our own spies watch your every move. You won't even know who it is so you better watch your back."

And although Emma declared this boldly, Krone wasn't the least bit afraid. Even if the kids had a spy of their own, nothing would stop the woman from getting what she wants. Y/n and Norman knew of this beforehand and already prepared countermeasures. In the end, Krone just disappeared in a flash.

"Hey, Norman. What are you up to this time?"

"Ray doesn't want to be demon food but he doesn't want to escape either."

"Which basically means that he'll make himself the bait to distract Mama. You and I both know what he's planning, but I'm not letting that happen."

"You're going to stop him?"

"No. You'll stop him. I know you have a plan up your sleeve anyway."

After Norman had been shipped out, everyone wasted no time to prepare. Mama had her eyes on Emma and Ray, which gave the others a window of opportunity to prepare. Meanwhile, Y/n felt pressured. Her original plan was for her to go solo. Although knowing that going through the gate was suicide, she was willing to take the risk. Apparently, Ray ruined her plans. So in return, she's going to ruin his plan.

"Your six years worth of planning didn't turn out quite as what you expected in the end...Ray."

"Hmph. You and Norman's plan really outdone me this time."

"You and me both."

Y/n hadn't quite expected that she would be escaping alongside the only family she grew up with. Well, even though Ray almost ruined everything for her, she was glad to be seeing the sunrise by his side.

"Please don't leave me, Y/n. I need you. And so does everyone else."

"Dumb Ray. You should've just told me."

January 15, 2046.
16 humans have escaped from the Grace Field Plantation.

the end.

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