date • norman/ray

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-_I_Need_Salt_- (I apologize for being late)

His grey eyes trailed over to the glass door entrance of the cafe he regularly went to. He isn't here yet... He worriedly thought as he takes a sip from his Frappé, the sugary taste colliding with his mouth. Even up to this day, it's still very delicious for Ray. After a few more seconds, Norman strides in the cafe. Ray's eyes light up as he watches his date walk closer to the table.

"Sorry, I'm late."

"No, it's fine. I'm just glad you showed up."

The platinum blond haired boy ran all the way here. He still looks oddly fresh, much to Ray's surprise. A few minutes passed by, the two males were awfully silent.
Don, one of the employees of the cafe, came to take Norman's order.

"Cappuccino," Norman gladly answered.

Ray had thought of himself as lucky today. Norman is cute, yes, but something was particularly different about him. Now, Ray wouldn't bring up a topic unless he was really curious. After all, Ray can read people. It was one of his few rare skills. But...

"Don't you usually order Latte?"

The question caught the Norman off guard. Nonetheless, he answered with a small smile, "I guess I just want to try something new."
After his drink was brought over, Norman swiftly but carefully took his cup and took a sip from the creamy beverage. Ray sighs under his breath. Ray's watchful eyes made contact with Norman's blue ones. Neither had looked away until after a solid minute.



"You wanna go somewhere else later?"

"Uh, s-sure..."

After the cafe, the two went to see a movie. It wasn't much, well, since Ray was barely even paying attention. Ray was more focused on his partner. The way Norman's blue eyes were glued to the large screen, the way he would gasp, laugh, or make a side comment. Norman is beautiful; that much is obvious. Ray's heart has never beaten this strong before. He felt like it was just shaking around in his ribcage.

After the movie, Ray suggested that they go to the Ferris wheel in the amusement park. Norman cheerfully agrees.

Once inside, Norman began to look out at the view. The sun was setting and the night was ready to come. The city lights began to shine more, which reflected in Norman's eyes. The said boy then caught Ray staring. The dark haired boy looked away, embarrassed. Norman chuckled, "Like what you see?"

Ray's face exploded red not a second after. He didn't know what Norman meant. Was he talking about the view outside? Or was Norman talking about himself?

Norman is such an angel... Ray sighed internally.
As the wheel continued ever so slowly, Ray's heart did not. His heart never beat this much, not even when he faces a dangerous situation. He couldn't think nor move. He couldn't speak.

Ray's grey eyes trailed to his feet. What should I do? Ray worriedly thought. Once he looked back up, he found Norman's face right in front of him. Poor Ray was shook. Then, he was double shook when Norman connected his lips to him.
(Idk what I'm doing I'm supposed to be paying attention in Social class ughhhhh)

"Thank you for today, Ray."

the end.

Since Ray isn't gonna be ablaze, they better make Emma's leg crack good like I wanna hear that crack sound, y'know

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