death • ray

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※ thanks for the idea TheeMush

Anyone can be scared of Death. Anyone can have an irrational fear of dying. Anyone can die suddenly without even realizing it.

Y/n's time has come due. The sands in her hourglass have settled below. In her dim bedroom, the clock ticked on slowly. Each second that passed has bored the girl. The sound repeated endlessly in her head. It took her a moment to notice that the clock stopped working unexpectedly. The cold night breeze slipped in through the crack of her open window, making goosebumps settle on her uncovered arms.
Still, she was patiently waiting for Death to fetch her by her bedside.

"I'm about to die of boredom..." she chuckles with a raspy tone. Not long after that, a flash of lightning struck right outside her window. She whipped her head towards the said window, but instead found him standing there. As what the legends have said, he clad himself in all black clothing, his face only but a dim silhouette. This reaper had crows perched on his shoulders. In his right hand, a lantern with a dying light. There's Death.

"You're here to take me, right?" The girl croaked out in question. The man nodded with a deadpan face and empty grey eyes. Then he extends his hand out to her, as if saying;
"Come with me."

In an instantaneous moment, the girl's warm hand met with Death's cold one, and they found themselves in an all-too-familiar area. It brought too much memories. Far too painful, far too bittersweet. This brought a frown upon the girl's face.

"This is..."

"This was where we first met."

His voice echoed in her head, although he was just beside her. Y/n turns her head to look at Death, whose face was now clear. His grey eyes and his dark hair still remained the same. It's him.


The legend says; when you die, the one who comes to fetch your soul is the person who you were the closest to in your entire life. They will come to you in your deathbed, dressed in the reaper's colors.


This time, she heard him clearer. His soft voice made her heart melt, just like always. The girl clenched her fist, fully aware of what this was. It was nothing but a mere test.

"Ray, I know we had our own reasons, but I never got the chance to apologize."

The girl's eyes trailed to the ground, filled with regret. At the moment, she doesn't even have a clue if her lover is alive. But if he is, she knows that her words will reach him...somehow, someway.

"I'm very sorry, Ray. I love you."

In an instant, her darkened surroundings turned bright. She found herself in a place that was of pure color. Y/n looks around, her eyes spotting an angel not far away from her. It was as if the angel was in her grasp. She knew this angel...


He turns around...


the end.

A/N: I don't even fucking know what I just wrote...

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