relationship • yuugo

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(I swear to Minerva the best and only pics where Yuugo smiles is when he's with Lucas)

A/N: This didn't turn out the way I imagined it...but I hope you like it!

"Are you eating my cookies? Again?"

"Oh, shit."

You are not a morning person. Yes, you love waking up to see your boyfriend's ugly mug but you hate having to get out of bed. This particular morning wasn't unfamiliar. Yuugo had woken up earlier than usual. You woke up sometime after 10 am and found your boyfriend eating the chocolate chip cookies that you earned from the past week. Those were expensive biscuits. But instead of whacking you boyfriend, you miraculously decide to let it slide. Yuugo raises a brow at your unusual behavior.

"Are you on 'yer period?"

"I just had it last week."

The afternoon was no different from the couple's usual routine. Today, however, the two of you had to go out. Oliver called earlier and announced that Lucas finally had his own prosthetic arm. As a congratulatory gift, you brought with the cookies along...or what was left of it.

You and Yuugo walked side by side, not really giving off that "we're a couple" vibe. You just turned 28, while your boyfriend for five years was 30. Even though you've been together for a few years, you aren't exactly the lovey-dovey type of couple. By your side, you held your medium-sized handbag that contained the cookies. Don't want anybody stealing that expensive shit now.

It was a quiet walk to the hospital. Yuugo, out of nowhere, draped his arm around his girlfriend and pulled you closer to him. You were downright shocked at the sudden action. Your eyes trailed up to his face which now has a scowl plastered on it. You later found out that there was some dude checking you out from the sidelines. The boyfriend got jealous obviously.

Upon arriving at the hospital, you enthusiastically greet two of your close friends.

"Hey, Lu! Hey, Ollie!"

"Hey, Y/n."

You went over the crimson-haired man and gave him the cookies. While you and Lucas chatted, Yuugo called Oliver to talk in the corner.

"Is the arm working?"

"Yes, Yuugo. It's perfectly fine. Lucas is gonna be okay, so don't you worry."


"The new arm's lookin' good, Lu."

"My new arm aside, how are you guys? You've been together for five years now."

"Why is this talk suddenly about me?"

Lucas looks over to his best friend, who was conversing with Oliver. You follow his gaze. You knew what he meant. It's been five years- almost six. Was Yuugo not planning to propose to you?

"It doesn't matter for now. I just want to make it last."

After the hospital visit (since Lucas was yet to be discharged), you and Yuugo stop by a convenience store to grab a couple of beers. And the next thing you knew, you woke up naked in bed with a big fucking hangover.

", you're telling me, we did 'it' last night?"

"You were drunk. You wouldn't stop asking me to fuck you."

"But I just had two cans of beer..."

Oh, c'mon. Accidents happen all the time. didn't ask if he wore protection. If he didn't, then what's the worse that could happen? (a chil-//slapped)

Just a few days, weeks later, you began throwing up. That's not a good sign. You also had lots and lots of cravings and mood swings. Also not a good sign. After a visit to the doctor, it was as you feared.

"I'm pregnant?"

the end...?

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