ignorance • ray/emma

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[※ implied Ray x Emma]

Unfortunately, Emma was taken away from Grace Field, sealing her fate to become a so-called "Mama."
It had been many years since she and Ray were separated from Norman. It was unbeknownst to them, however, that Norman was alive and well. He was working in a different facility, working for a different plantation. Ray was also taken as one of the researchers to provide for the needs for Plantation 2. So, basically, the three were separated from each other. Luckily enough, Emma and Ray got to talk to each other for a bit of time, as they were both assigned to the same plantation.
It's been...more than a decade since.

"Good morning, Emma."

"Good morning, Ray."

Emma's once cheerful voice is now flat and devoid of all joy. Even though they spoke through the radio, the static could not hide the way Emma spoke with dullness. She spoke with empty melancholy in her tone. Ray couldn't see her but he knew that the light in her green eyes had now faded, and she is now broken. But still, she had the will to muster up a smile for her children. Although this was not the way she imagined to continue living, it was the only way. And this was how she survived. Yes, she does love the children in her plantation, but sending them off to die still makes her cry at night. She didn't want this. She didn't ask for any of this, and neither did any other child. Wondering if Isabella felt the same, Emma would never know.

On the other hand, Ray was still the same. It was a shame that his planned retaliation backfired. He was lucky enough to be spared from becoming a demons' feast. Like Emma, he didn't have a choice. Now, he doesn't know what to do. There's no means in escaping or dying. This was the only time in life that Ray wished he wasn't born. He'd shed an invisible tear, wishing that Norman and Emma weren't born into this cruel world as well. Nobody deserved this. Nobody deserved anything.

Emma checks in with HQ after she had woken up. It would only be a few minutes until the rest of the House wakes up after. She checks to see if everything is in order; today's shipment, a fresh new delivery of toys, some brand new sheets, and various ingredients for cooking food. Mama Emma fell silent before the bell rang loud to wake the Grace Field House. The sun rose completely and so did the cattle children. Emma's past memories of young would rush to her head. She remembers all too well the moment she would wake up with her siblings. The light thuds of children's feet running down to the dining hall, the laughter filled with joy, and morning greetings of complete delight.

"Good morning!"

Emma holds back a tear. She remembered it like it was yesterday. She would help some of the younger kids tie their shoes, then she would take Phil and carry him to the dining room. Lanni and Thoma would run after her. Emma would spot Don with Conny and Little Bernie in her tiny arms. She'd give everyone a "Good morning!" with the brightest angelic smile on her adorable face. Her two closest best friends, Norman and Ray, would squint at how bright she is that day. Too bad that that day was the day she discovered that she was demon food.

"Huh? Where's Mama?"

"I'm right here, Charles. Are you excited for tonight?"

"I'm very excited, Mama!"

Emma had already left the secret room, making sure to lock it well. She musters up a comforting smile for her beautiful children. She rings the handbell as they all settle down to eat. After eating, the children finish their litany tests and then proceed to do the laundry. The day turned into the night, and 12-year-old Charles had to say goodbye to the House.

"Bye-bye, everyone!"

"Bye-bye, Charles!"

Ignorance is bliss. Emma finally found meaning in that saying. But tonight was the happiest she's ever been. Emma was smiling, although just a little bit, genuinely. She was smiling because this boy will get to live.

"Mama? Your smile is kinda weird. What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, Charles. I'm just happy that you are given a big opportunity tonight."

As soon as they arrive by the gate, an adult man in a white coat comes to greet them. He donned black-rimmed rectangular glasses that he pushes up the bridge of his nose. The young Charles was slightly befuddled at the situation. Was this man going to adopt him? Who was he? How does he know Mama?

"Hello again, Emma."

"Hello, Ray. Please take care of Charles, okay?"

And the next thing Charles knew, he was living the life he least expected to have.

the end.

※ Now who wants some Normma action?

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