lovers • yuugo/lucas

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It was cold outside. There was a very light shower of snow, falling and gracefully hitting the slippery concrete. Inside, it was warm. Under the covers, their bodies were pressed together, radiating heat. Lucas can hear Yuugo's heartbeat loud and clear. He can feel the up and down movement of Yuugo's bare chest, a steady breathing cycle unbroken. Lucas  had suddenly woken up that morning, unknowing what to do. He stayed in his position, entrapped in his lover's arms. Lucas looks up at Yuugo's peaceful face with eyes full of love. Lucas smiles softly.
Not a minute later, Yuugo stirs and wakes from his slumber. He finds himself stroking Lucas's messy crimson locks, smiling and greeting his partner.

"Morning, Lucas."

"Good morning, Yuugo."

The two men wanted nothing more than to stay in each other's warmth for the rest of the day. Yuugo yawns as he pulled Lucas closer to his bare chest. They wanted to stay this way forever- if that was even possible.
The time is 7:32 AM. The minutes seemed to be longer than usual. It felt like the moment was stuck in a loop, never-ending yet comforting. Sleeping next to Lucas has made Yuugo feel a lot better for the past few months. Admittedly, he did have trouble sleeping by himself.

"Yuugo? I think it's about time we get up."


It was around 8:39 when Yuugo was reluctantly dragged out of bed by his boyfriend. Even though Yuugo simply wants to hibernate (since winter is right around the corner), Lucas says they have to get up otherwise. Anyways, as Lucas heads out to take a shower, Yuugo groans and rolls out of bed. Yuugo knew his partner too well for they always take showers together. If Lucas hadn't mentioned the bath, Yuugo wouldn't even be out of bed right now.
And so, Yuugo reluctantly leaves his nest to join his mate in a bath.

Although silent, sharing the bathtub together was calming for both adults. As the lukewarm water soothed their skins, it gave their hearts solace and it eased their minds.
Yuugo found himself spooning Lucas's warm, naked, fairly muscular body. He buried his face in Lucas's neck, and then he later went on to carefully tracing Lucas's lone arm. Yuugo could never forgive himself for the pain that Lucas had felt all these years.

"Yuugo?" He snapped him out of his thoughts.


"Are you okay?"

Lucas's voice sounded like a sweet, melodic lullaby. Yuugo can always fall asleep with a smile thanks to Lucas and his sweet, soothing voice.

"I'm fine." Yuugo smiles.

After a nice bath, the couple heads to their living room to watch movies. Nothing can compare to staying home with your loved one, wrapping your arms around them, and loving them with all of your heart.

the end.

Coming next: Norman x Reader

A/N: The Promised Neverland RP Book now open! (Edit: sike)

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