regret • ray

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No matter how much he pushed her away, she wouldn't stop trying to be his friend. He always reminded himself that she was an idiot and a hindrance to all his plans. He tried to convince himself that his feelings for her are nonexistent. But the heart wants what it wants. And no matter how hard Ray tries to ignore this fact, he just won't realize that it's true.

A sunny day comes upon Grace Field. Bright, pearly smiles land upon the children's faces. One of these kids, unlike the rest, he frowned. Ray (who just turned 9) kept secrets to himself, holding a heavy burden on his shoulders. He kept quiet, always sticking his nose in a book. His peaceful time alone was then interrupted by none other than Y/n.
The said girl is a year younger than Ray. And he thinks that she's very annoying. He would never admit that he fell in love with someone like her because she's an idiot. He doesn't have one clue as to why he liked her in the first place.

"Hiya, Ray!"

"Go away, Y/n."

No matter how much he ignored her, she still went and knocked on his quiet shell. She bothered him to all extents, despite that she only ended up being ignored. It's been like this for quite a while now. Ray was soon reaching his limit.

Y/n wasn't as smart as the other kids. Her test scores were fairly average, but her strength and skills are what make her invincible. She's stronger and faster than Emma, practically due to all the time spent playing tag. Y/n was subconsciously training herself for some reason. She just felt like it. As time passed, her physique improved and muscles had started developing. Soon, she realized that she was getting stronger for one reason. She wanted to slap Ray so hard, he'd wake up and realize that keeping everything to himself is bad. But that wasn't Y/n's only purpose for training. Y/n wanted to be strong. She wanted to make herself useful, since she obviously knows that her brain would do her no good.

One day, Ray wasn't being bothered. He wondered why Y/n had been avoiding him all day. He was so used to her blabbering that he was surprised that there wasn't any of that today. It went on for a week, and he was still confused. The next day, he finally found out why.

"Everyone, I have good news," Isabella announced. "Y/n has been chosen to be adopted! And she will be leaving on the day after tomorrow."
All of the kids cheered for her and congratulated her. Ray was left speechless. Usually, Isabella would tell him about any shipments beforehand. Now, Ray doesn't know what to do.

"Y/n. I need to talk to you."

The girl only had hours left before her untimely death. Ray decided that he would tell Y/n the truth. Maybe he can help her to die peacefully, at least. He pulled her away from the other kids, going inside the orphanage and finding a good place to break the news.

"So...I'm not getting adopted? Are you saying that we're all just food...?"

Y/n showed the expected reaction. She absorbed the information well- to Ray's surprise. Since she was leaving soon, there was nothing else that can be done. And as much as Ray wanted to save her, he can't.

"Y/n, do you have any final words to your siblings?"

Suddenly, the day that Y/n was about to die had come. She stood beside Isabella with a smile. She looked very excited to meet her future adoptive parents- not. She was acting right now, as if she didn't know a single thing about the farm she lived in. She looked over to Ray, and it didn't take her long to break down and cry.

"I don't wanna leave! I love all my siblings here and I want to grow up with them and play with them everyday!"

She was scared and sad. She truly didn't want to leave Grace Field. She loved everyone there, including Mama...and most especially Ray.


"I'm sorry, Ray."

The boy walks forward, wrapping his arms around Y/n and allowing her to cry on his shoulder. She hugged him back, wanting this moment to last forever. She didn't want to let go.

"I love you, Ray." she whispered in his ear.

For the next two years that came, Ray felt more miserable after Y/n's death. He couldn't get over her, and it was breaking him. And today, Ray holds one regret in his heart...
"I wish I could've told her how much I loved her."

the end.

Rate my writing; How does this one-shot make you feel? Did I steal your feels? Stab you in the feels?


After Y/n calmed down, Isabella held her hand whilst walking to the gate. Y/n knew what was coming, and she was prepared to accept her fate. But to her surprise, she wasn't greeted with a monstrous demon or a sudden red flower to be stabbed in the chest. Instead, there was a man. No, there were two men there.

"Y/n, this is Mr. Peter Ratri and Mr. Andrew."

"Y/n, your Mama says that you display some extraordinary physical skills and strength. It doesn't matter that you are a girl. Since you are very strong, we could use someone like you."

the real end.

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