more au headcanons

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School AU;

• Ages 13-18

• The farms are boarding schools/Academies for the children. When they turn 18, they leave no matter what. No, they "GRADUATE" (that sounds better than being "shipped out" lmao)

• 2 hours of lunch

• They start the day at 6 AM, end it at 6 PM

• P.E teacher Krone!

Normal high school AU;

• Emma joins the volleyball club (damnit Hinata-)

• Ray is the geek emo

• Norman is the beloved genius

• Yuugo is a bad substitute teacher...or not?

Band AU;

• Yuugo is obviously the guy who knows how to rock it out on the guitar. He'll be the manager for "Grace Field"

• Don is the drummer

• Gilda goes on keyboard

• Norman on bass, playing the chords well without looking at the instrument

• Ray is on electric guitar; Yuugo is his mentor obviously

• Our Queen Emma on vocals

Goldy Pond;
• Oliver (vocals)
• Emma (guest vocalist)
• Zack (drums)
• Violet (keyboard)
• Paula (bass)
• Gillian (guitar)

Dancers AU;

• Grace Field Academy For Dancers is a prestigious school for only the best dancers, with Ma'am Isabella as the instructor and coach

• Mostly contemporary dances

• After GF was ruined, everyone ended up in Goldy Pond Dance Studios

• Emma and Ray become stars because Norman is physically weak who cannot dance well (aww poor bby)

• Emma and Ray perform interpretive dances in competitions

• Don and Gilda do ballroom

• Oliver, Zack, and Gillian are the stars of Hip Hop

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