train • phil

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Spring would soon come to an end, the steady train went along the railways, the people riding in comfortable silence

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Spring would soon come to an end, the steady train went along the railways, the people riding in comfortable silence.

A young woman can only stare out the window, seeing nothing but trees and whatnot. The view was beautiful but it gradually began to look dull, like the look in her eyes. Three hours have passed by since her departure from the station. How long until she gets to her destination? She'd be bored to death by then.

"I'm sorry," a voice interrupted her train of thought. "Would you mind if I sit here? Everywhere else is occupied."

She looked up before politely smiling at the man. "Oh, no, go ahead."

The man sat across her and got comfortable. His white dress shirt was free of stain and wrinkles. He wasn't wearing a tie, so that means he isn't a businessman. He just dresses nice...especially with those black slacks and blue sneakers. He's so clean. He must be going back home to the city. Just the same as her.

"Are you going back to the city?" She asked him, although she already guessed that he'd say yes.

"Well, yes. But before that, I have to go make a stop."

She nodded. Why did she have to ask even though she knew he'd say yes? That's one thing she can never comprehend about herself.

"How about you, miss? Are you going back home?"

"Yes. And the name's Y/n."


It's been four hours. The train might arrive at its destination by midnight. That's what Y/n's guessing. It's almost 9 PM.

"Woah. Y/n, look. The stars."

"Oh wow...that is magnificent."

Instead of the boring old view from this morning, what greeted Y/n and Phil's eyes were a billion lights spread out on a vast blanket right above them

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Instead of the boring old view from this morning, what greeted Y/n and Phil's eyes were a billion lights spread out on a vast blanket right above them.

Just two strangers under the same sky, huh?

"So, tell me more about yourself."


With spring soon coming to an end, a friendship blooms for a new season.

the end.



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Monday morning. The first day of school. It was on the train that we first met. Like the gentleman you were, you offered up your seat to me. But before I got to sit down, some jerk sat there instead. We both just laughed it off. That's when we met.

I remember when we saw each other again in the classroom. We sat together, ate lunch together, went home together. Along the way, we got to know each other more and more.

Slowly but surely, I learned to love you. Little by little, I would get to know your heart. When you stole mine, I didn't bother to get it back. I know you would take care of it. Then came second year, we were still attached to the hip. We were inseparable. I still remember those days. We haven't changed one bit.

Back then, you'd come over to my place. Sometimes, I'd go to yours. I met your family, and oh, they were such wonderful people. My family, well...I don't see them nowadays. You know, it's the usual.

Ahh, memories. Flooding my head, twisting my heart. The seasons would come and go, we wouldn't. We stayed, but we still went with the flow of life's river.

I remember when I would bump into you during the weekends, we would walk together instead and try out all the food in the market stalls. And at night, we would roam the plaza and visit all the shops. The lights in the street would light up joyfully like us.

Like your beautiful, adorable smile that made my life brighter...

Like your beautiful, adorable smile that made my life brighter

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Come third year...actually, I don't want to remember. It put a hole in my heart. You were still there, yes, and I still love you.

I miss you.

We may be apart now, Phil, but I will always cherish you in my heart. Thank you for coming into my life.

the end.


Remember when I was good at writing? Yeah, neither do I-

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