scars • zack

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Zack - QII863-552 | Position: Relief aid
Y/n - DXV184-601 | Position: Lookout

"There's one more person you have to meet," Lucas smiles as he guided Emma to a back-room.
On the bed sat an older girl. She was clad in dark clothing, her quiet demeanor taking over the room. This girl is also from Grand Valley, and she's just the same age as the others. But she was different. Her mysterious aura stood out to Emma.

"Y/n. I want you to meet Emma. She's here to help us end this nightmare."

Emma smiles sweetly upon taking a good look at Y/n's face. The redhead holds her hand out. Y/n shakes it without a word, then goes past the two and leaves. Emma was confused but Lucas explains the teen's situation.
And within the first few minutes she spent in Goldy Pond, Emma went around and got to know the people a little better. There was a certain pair that caught Emma's curious eye, and it took her no more than a few seconds to realize what was going on.

"Hey, Violet. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Zack likes Y/n."

"'re not wrong."

Emma and Violet watch as Zack and Y/n make small talk. It was very, and I mean very, obvious- and everyone knows that he likes her...probably except Y/n herself.

"How are you today, Y/n?"

"I'm okay, Zack. Thank you for your concern."

Out of all the former Grand Valley orphans, Y/n was the closest to Zack. She didn't want to always lean on him, but he carried her anyways. She hated that he always carried her burdens on his shoulders. She didn't want anybody fighting her battles.
Y/n was such a cheerful kid, and now, all that joy was gone. She was left with a hollow heart, left with little hope. With everything she's been through, she still fights. She protects those who are defenseless- as it gives her a sense of purpose. And with those battles that weren't hers to fight, burning scars that permanently etched onto her pale skin.

"Let's go, Y/n. I have to check your wounds."


Nobody knows why the two of them speak formally. It just happened. And it's not that everyone avoids Y/n- she just doesn't want to talk to anyone except for Zack, Lucas, and the girls. Everyone wants to help her, but they can't change the past. They might never restore her back to normal.

"Why is Y/n so quiet?"

"A long time ago, she was the happiest child in the face of the earth. Y/n was broken and beaten after she went head on against one of the poachers. And besides, out of everyone in this place, she has the most scars painting her body."

Zack held Y/n by the hand, the two of them quietly heading to his room. He was awfully silent, feeling tingly inside. It was a routine that Zack took a check on Y/n's condition, but his heart was always shaking whenever he was alone with her. He was trying not to tremble so much. Y/n would probably notice this, but her mind is too occupied that she doesn't notice the little things.
Y/n takes off her top layers, revealing her body that was covered in bandages and fading scars. Some were fresh from yesterday's hunt, excruciating pain seeping through Y/n's frail body. Zack felt pity seeing Y/n this way. Despite her poor state and all the ugly scars, Y/n remained beautiful and head-strong.

"I'm sorry, Zack."

While in the process of changing the bandages, Zack's train of thought was interrupted by her apology. He looked up at her in subtle surprise. Tears were forming in her (e/c) eyes, threatening to spill at any moment.

"Why are you apologizing?"

"I know you hate seeing me like this. You don't like it when you find my body bloody and beaten half to death every time."

Y/n looks at anywhere but Zack. She avoided his eyes, her own filled with regret. She takes a deep breath before continuing.

"Ever since we were kids, you always had to carry me around. I didn't like that because I didn't want you to suffer having to carry my burdens. You always defend me, and I'm grateful for that. But..."

Her words began to falter, the tears finally coming down. Y/n buries her face in her hands. Her stifled sobs can be heard clearly. Zack kept quiet. But he couldn't hold back from embracing her. He wanted to comfort her and he did. He whispered softly in her ear, "I did everything for you because I love you."
Y/n's cries ceased. She looks up at Zack with a frown that never suited her face. He wipes the tears from her eyes and smiles down at her.

"I love you, Y/n." Zack repeats with a sturdy voice.

"I love you too, Zack."

Zack closes the gap between their lips, finally sealing their first kiss. He'd wanted to do that for a long time now.

the end.

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