tendencies • ray

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She's one of the intelligent kids. She's the kind of girl who always knew what to do. She never pauses to think, and she always has a good answer. But whenever she comes to face him, her mind goes blank.

"Good morning, Y/n."

"Good morning, Ray!"

Y/n admits that her intelligence wouldn't match up to Ray and the others. Indeed, the girl is smart, but she doesn't always use her brain to make decisions. She simply trusts her gut feeling. And sometimes, it's right.

"Your scores are improving day by day. Good job, Y/n."

"Thank you, Mama!"

Y/n is like every other child in the orphanage. She is clueless and has no single idea of what secrets the orphanage hides...but that's not really the case.

"Y/n! Let's go play tag!"

"You guys go ahead. I'll play later, okay?"

Y/n has a tendency to keep things to herself. Whenever she isn't playing outside, she's inside the house, exploring every corner. She's found things that've been lost, things that aren't supposed to be found, and things she doesn't have one clue about. She keeps it all to herself and lets it weigh down on her.

"You look gloomy, Y/n."

"I just ate too much this morning."

Y/n would always sit beside Ray- the boy she grew up with, along with Norman and Emma- under a beautiful tree. He would keep his face hidden in a book, while Y/n would rest under the cooling shade. Ray, sometimes, will sneak small glances towards the girl. He'd smile a little, knowing that she would live to see the future. He knows that she's strong. Her will and determination are too. For everything that Y/n is, was, and will be, Ray would love her. He knew that she wasn't going to be shipped away just yet. She was a long way from there...or so Ray thought.

"What do you mean?"

"I just told you, Ray. I'm getting adopted. I'm gonna have a new family."

Y/n has a tendency to mess with everything she sees. Gadgets, papers, and anything that catches her eye. Ray didn't know how she did it, but Y/n changed her schedule of shipment and was ready to leave tomorrow. Ray, knowing the fate that is to befall the girl, hopelessly accepts the situation. He can't do anything- not even convince Isabella to make considerations. Once it's time, there's nothing that can stop the shipment.



Then came the day that Y/n was going to leave. The morning after breakfast, the young girl had approached the quiet boy under the tree.

"So, you're leaving tonight, huh?"

"Yes. But before anything else, I have something to confess. Could we talk somewhere private? The library perhaps?"

Ray, in complete honesty, will miss her. If there was any way to stop her shipment, he'd do it without hesitation. Right now though, he's wondering what she's about to confess. He knew very well that she kept secrets to herself. It must be important if she's going to tell Ray about it.

"I know."


"When I'll be shipped out tonight, I know what awaits me on the other side."

Y/n's tendencies led her to discover the secret of the Grace Field House. She knew about the demons and how they eat humans from plantations. She was scared but she accepted her fate. She confessed to Ray that she planned to ship herself off on purpose. In some way, she already aided in their future escape.

"We're gonna miss you, Y/n!"

"Don't forget to write!"

It pained Ray to watch her slip away from his grasp. She was about to die and he couldn't do anything about it. His heart clenched in pain. He grits his teeth in anger. There was one thing he disliked about Y/n; she has a tendency to smile, even if she doesn't feel good. Even if she knows that she's going to die...she's still smiling.

"Goodbye, everyone. Goodbye, Ray."

"Why, Y/n? Why did you have to do this?"

the end.


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