restart • ray

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A terrible life, really. But it couldn't possibly get worse than this, right? Apparently...yes. It definitely could.

Y/n managed to survive for (your age) years. She's been struggling a lot. She felt as if she were a mere speck of atom that didn't matter. She felt like the sun nor the moon never shined on her. At this point, she was an empty husk.

As she kept still on her old, creaky bed, she desperately wished for a reset button in life. She wanted a restart. As she slowly fell into a deep sleep, she felt everything around her fade away.

A resounding bell woke her up. In the blink of an eye, she found herself in a crib, and in another blink, she found herself in a bed. This time, her room was bigger and she was sleeping with several other children of varying age. She was confused. Somehow, she knew what was going on- she knew her siblings, she knew her Mama. Then it hit her.


"What was that, Y/n?"

"Ah! It was nothing, Mama!"

The same bell woke her every morning. Emma quickly rose up and woke us with her energetic self. As always. The same routine kept on every single day. It bothered Y/n at some point, but she was happy with her new life either way.

She was an orphan who grew up in the Grace Field House. As she slowly grew up in a beautiful household, all the memories of her past life seem to go away. She grew up well and enjoyed her days.

"Y/n...I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Hm? What is it, Ray?"

She wouldn't know what's about to hit her.

"Demons? A farm? We'"

Y/n sat there, bewildered eyes staring at Ray. She fell silent for one whole minute. Then another minute. Ray wasn't expecting such a plain reaction.

" that so? Well, damn..." Y/n combs back her hair with her fingers, stress evident on her face. It didn't take long before her face crumpled, and she cried out,
"I just wanted a restart in life...I never asked for any of this!"

All those years filled with memories of happiness in Grace Field just blew up in smoke. Y/n's memories from her past life began to haunt her again. For the first time in years, tears threatened to come out of her eyes. Ray sighs. And albeit deciding against it, he gives her a comforting hug.

He lets go after a while. Intertwining his fingers with hers, he says to her with a small smile, "We'll get through this together, Y/n. We'll find our Promised Neverland."

the end.


"Thank you, Ray."

"For what?"

"For everything. For telling me the truth, and for giving me a chance."

Y/n stood proudly beside Ray and the rest of her siblings, watching their first sunset as free children. Perhaps this wouldn't be so bad...

A/n: Gotta admit, I don't even like my own writing sometimes but meh

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