sweat • nigel

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A/n: I ship Gillian x Nigel but I couldn't help myself and I just had to write this!

"I'm really sorry to bother you at a time like this, Nigel."

"No, no, it's fine! Besides, you can never bother me, Y/n..."

The blazing hot sun is killing you. You didn't even know how hot it is until you decided to step out of your house to buy groceries. Luckily for you, your car broke down before you even started it. And that's lucky because it resulted you to calling your handyman, Nigel, who you had a little crush on...
And that's how it came to this. The boy comes to your garage, happy to do you a favor. He starts fixing your car while you just happily watch him- well, parts of him.

You got bored after a few minutes. The weather made you worse, making you sweat and feel icky under your clothes. It seems that Nigel had the same idea when he got up from under the car and took his shirt off. Yes, just like that.

"Y/n, your face is red. You okay?"

"Ye-Yeah, I'm fine..."

"The sun's really burning up there, huh? Summer is cruel." He chuckled softly.

You just felt your heart explode somehow. It's like he set a tiny bomb in your heart and set it off when he gave you a toothy grin.
All you could do was swallow the lump in your throat and continue watching him work. (You ain't gotta go to work, work, work-)
Damn, did he look hot or what? With all that sweat dripping down his body, it made you feel hotter than ever. Then you quietly slipped past him to go upstairs.

At least 10 minutes later...

Nigel wipes the sweat off his forehead, relieved that he's almost done. Working under the glare of the harsh summer sun is not easy, although he doesn't mind much. He looks around, wondering where you went. He excused himself to enter your house and headed upstairs.

"Y/n? Are you in- OH MY GOD I AM SO SORRY!"


Yep. You were taking a shower.
He thought you were in the bathroom, and just his luck, you definitely were...and naked.

While he has a good head on his shoulders, he doesn't always think things through before acting. So when he opened the door, it took him an entire second to slam it. Nigel, with a red face, goes back down to the garage. He finishes up with your car and prepares to leave.

"Nigel. Let's just forget this day ever happened, yeah?"

"Yeah, sure."

It was too silent before he left. Nigel being Nigel, got nervous easily. But he couldn't help himself and just kissed you. Your eyes went wide. Obviously you kissed him back, and he pulled you closer by the waist, but then you remembered and panicked suddenly.

"I just took a shower and you decide to get close to me like that?!"

He laughs at your reaction.

"Then why don't we go shower together?"

the end.

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