heaven • ray

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A/N: Andrew here will be the reader's father-figure, as he does genuinely care for Y/n.

"Since you are very strong, we could use someone like you."

Mr. Ratri's words echoed in Y/n's head a million times. At first, she didn't have a single clue as to what they meant. She was wondering why wasn't she eaten by a demon instead. But soon, she will come to understand why she was chosen.
Y/n's eyes went wide, unable to process what was happening. And while Mr. Ratri went to talk with Isabella, Andrew crouches down to face the 8-year-old girl. He places a hand on her head and gives her a smile.

"From now on, I'll be taking care of you."

A single tear slipped down her face. It was not because she was confused, no. It was because that smile he gave her was real. And although she had perceived Andrew and Ratri to be evil, something in her mind and heart changed. Of course, Y/n never trusted Peter in the first place. But there was something about the way that Andrew treated the young girl. It made her trust him. The reason why she does so is that of Andrew's honest actions. She believes him. And she knows he isn't faking anything.
Whenever Y/n has accomplished something, Andrew would always pat her head and congratulated her with a soft smile. It took time, but Y/n came to understand everything that was going on. She is now working for the demons. Under the care and instructions of Andrew, she was to be formed into the perfect soldier. Her strength is an asset to the clan, and it would benefit them to use Y/n.
During her first year, Y/n was entrusted with the task of bringing cattle children to Goldy Pond. She would mislead those poor kids and leave them for dead. While she continued this routine, Andrew went to pay Phil a visit.

"You wanted to see me, Mr. Ratri?"

"Oh please, call me Peter."

Y/n never knew anything about the place she was brought to. She was scared, seeing that demons outnumbered humans in the vicinity. But on the day she was called to Peter's office, her questions have been finally answered.
Later that night, Andrew comes back from his assignment. He goes to Y/n's bedroom, supposedly to tuck her in, but he finds her crying in the corner instead. He instinctively rushes to her side.

"Y/n? What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

The girl doesn't reply and continues crying. The tears didn't stop, even though Andrew hugged Y/n in attempt to comfort her.
The next day, Y/n goes up to Andrew. The man pulls himself away from his work to listen to her.

"Are you ready to talk to me now?"


And while Y/n spent her time on the other side, Ray continued on with his plan back in Grace Field. For the two years that passed, he had tried to forget Y/n. The plot resumes, Emma and Norman find out about the secret.
New days come and go. Y/n slowly got to know the man who became her father-figure. She began to put her trust in Andrew rather than Peter- who is her official boss.
Y/n has been independently going to the field to work alongside Andrew, also being given her own assignments. For those two years, Y/n notices that Andrew only ever smiles at her. He treated her like his own daughter. He even calls her his "Heaven."
But despite their bonding, Y/n still doesn't know the reason why she's being treated differently.

"Hey, Andrew?"

"Yes, my little Heaven?"

"Even though I'm just a cattle-child, why do you treat me different? You said it yourself, right? Cattle-children like me are raised only to be eaten. So why am I here?"

Y/n, now 10 years of age, had more questions and doubts. She only followed orders to stay alive. She asked Andrew the question that has been floating in her mind for months. He fell silent right after. A few good seconds passed by. Andrew crouches down to Y/n's height. He grips her shoulders lightly.

"You were chosen because you're special. Your strength and undying skill is the reason you're alive right now. Your perseverance is what powers you. We made you a weapon for the future. With the way you are right now, you're well on your way to becoming a one-man army. You'll be able to defeat anyone in your way."

Andrew paused to take a breath. He looks into Y/n's eyes which were swirling with various emotions.

"My opinion on cattle-children like you hasn't changed...but you're different. When I saw the fear in your eyes that day, it made me think. I know that I'm very loyal to the Ratri Clan. I'm in their debt. Peter has helped me many times. I do what I have to do to stay alive. You should do the same. However, I want you to escape. I want you to find the Promised Neverland. I'm not asking you to go and join Minerva. I'm asking you to stay here and keep living. I'm sure you're smart enough to understand what I mean."

That was the day that Andrew and his team went to hunt down the Grace Field escapees. Before he left, Y/n gave him a hug. And in his ear, she whispered, "I'm on your side...dad." That was the day that Andrew was nearing his death. That was also the day when Y/n was sent to Lambda. That was Ratri's unfortunate mistake. Norman and Y/n discovered each other and planned to escape. They went on to save the cattle-children to make the Promised Neverland.

"Boss...I still don't trust that Y/n. She could betray us at any time."

"Don't fret, Vincent. She has pledged her allegiance to us."

"How are you so sure?"

"I grew up with her. And besides, Ray would be delighted to see her."

Y/n betrayed the Ratri Clan. They were now onto her. She was afraid. And after learning that Andrew had died, she cried again. She felt bad, for she betrayed Andrew. All he wanted was for her to live.

"You can't kill me, Emma! Heaven is on my side! My beautiful heaven is the reason why I'm still breathing! She is gonna live!"

Andrew rambled on, clutching Alicia's neck in his arm. He held the poor girl at gunpoint. The only thing that was on his mind right now was his beloved Heaven. Y/n. In his ruined state, he wondered what was his daughter doing right now.

"Oh, my little girl..."

Ray was almost caught off guard. Did this man have a daughter? And at this year, wouldn't that child supposed to be in an orphanage?
In the untimely death of Andrew, he screamed out a name. Her name. As he was being eaten by a demon, he remembered his daughter in his dying moments.

"Y/n...! My little Heaven!"

It made Ray stop in his tracks. He was lost for a moment. Y/n? Isn't she dead?

"Ray, come on!"

The plot resumes. Emma and Ray reunite with Norman. On that day, Y/n said that she wasn't prepared to face him yet. But she waited in a room. She wondered what to do once she sees him all grown up, knowing that they weren't who they used to be.
While everyone was happily reunited and eating breakfast, Y/n cried once again. A wave of emotions drowned her. After a few minutes, she had already calmed down. Her train of thought was interrupted when she heard two sets of footsteps outside.

"There's a surprise waiting for you..."

Y/n stood up abruptly as the door opened to reveal her long-lost love.



the end.

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