kiss • hayato

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7:52 PM

Just go and confess your feelings, idiot.

What if she rejects me??

Don't worry, Hayato! We'll be with you every step of the way!

Thanks, you guys...

Shutting off his phone, Hayato sighs. His friends have good advice, but he's still afraid. Sometimes, he would hate himself for being selfish- selfish that he wanted Y/n to love him. Poor boy just wanted to be loved back.

He goes to sleep, dreaming of her. He wakes up, wondering about her. He goes to school and hides his undying love for her. One might call him obsessed, but this is his first time falling in love. Hayato fell hard.

Hayato fell in love with Y/n the day she saved him from being targeted by a third-year bully. After that, the boy wouldn't stop thanking her. He kept on calling her 'his savior' for three weeks. Hayato kept his feelings for her ever since then.

Hayato made up his mind that he would confess next Friday. He figured that he should suck in his gut and prepare for a rejection like a man. For whatever happens on that day, Hayato will be ready.

Going back to school is a bore. Hayato doesn't completely enjoy it until he sees Y/n. Luckily for him, she's in the same class. She's also the class president, and that gives Hayato an advantage to stare at her longer than five minutes.

She's strong, he admires that very much. If Hayato could list down everything that's great about you, then it would be a very, very long list.

From here on out, the days would only prolong. The time would move slow, then it would zip right past everyone's heads. But for Hayato, the days were weird. He was nervous, so to say. He really hasn't thought about to do if ever Y/n would reject him. Despite his friends' encouragement, he can't calm his beating heart.

By lunch time, Y/n would occupy Hayato's mind. He thinks that everything about her is cute, especially her height (as she's just an inch shorter than him) and her everything else. He stays in an eternal daze as he eats his lunch. By the end of the day, Hayato would continue to daydream until the nightfall.

Come Friday...

He mustered up all his courage and followed Y/n on her way home after school

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He mustered up all his courage and followed Y/n on her way home after school. Little did he know that Emma and a few others were giddily recording the scene.

"Y/n!" Came his nervous squeak.

She turned around, a few petals falling by her side magnificently. Hayato swallows the lump in his throat. The cherry blossoms were as beautiful as her, and were as pink as his cheeks.


"I know we don't know each other very well, but ever since you saved me that day...well, I-I couldn't stop thinking of you! Whenever I think of you, it makes my heart jump out of control and my head would spin like a hurricane. I like you, Y/n!"

The world fell silent then. Hayato could only hear his loudly beating heart echoing in his ears. He didn't see this, keeping his eyes low, but Y/n smiled. She took a few steps towards him.

"I like you too, Hayato."

His head shoots up like a bullet. His mouth hung open, his face getting redder.

" like me?"

"Yes..." A cherry blush scattered on her face.

"As in, you like like me?"

"Yes. I like like you very much."

All his anxiety and nervousness went away, he finally found his breath again. This time, he would take hers away by giving her a big, sweet kiss.

the end.

A/n: I would've made an alternate ending (since it's April fools) where Y/n just rejects Hayato...but mama ain't raise no savage bitch-

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