pictures • oliver

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*modern au
A/N: It seems that I've been stabbing you all lately with the angst that I write, so here's some fluff filler...I need you guys alive so you can vote XD

It was a fairly normal day. Oliver came home, exhausted from his part-time job. He hears a series of giggles coming from the living room. As it turns out, his girlfriend and Lucas were bonding together in the living room.

"Y/n? What are you doing here? Didn't you have work today?"

"Oh, hey, Ollie! I was just talking with Lucas here. And besides, my shift ended earlier today."

Oliver's girlfriend for two years just came over unannounced and was laughing with Lucas, looking over the old photo albums. One of those pictures was Oliver with his friends. They were all wearing their cute swimsuits and smiling by the pool. Oliver still remembers that day when he almost drowned since he didn't know how to swim.

"And this one was when Oliver was in elementary with his friends."

"Aww~! He looks so adorable!"

"Lucas! Y/n!"

You all know that old baby pictures are embarrassing and cute, and you would never want to show them out in the open. The same goes for Oliver, as whose face is coated bright red in embarrassment. But hearing his girlfriend laughing was such a melody to his ears. He kept his mouth tightly shut, knowing that his girlfriend and Lucas wouldn't let him forget those memories.

After a few more hours of embarrassing baby pictures, Oliver pulls Y/n out of the house. They head to the park, the usual place where they hang out. Oliver, not wanting to deal with the crimson-haired adult right now, buries his face in his hands.

"I kept those pictures somewhere safe! How did Lucas even find them?"

Y/n stifles a giggle. "Well, you can't blame him. Lucas is-"

"Yeah, I know," Oliver cuts her off with a huff.

Y/n, like the best girlfriend that she is, pecks her boyfriend on the lips. She gives him a winning smile and says, "But you were cute back then. And you still are. If I had a son as cute as you, I'd show those winsome pictures to everyone!"

"Gee, Y/n. Thanks, I guess."

"Anything for my absolutely attractive and handsome boyfriend."

the end.

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