natural • emma

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"There is a spy among us kids."

And at that moment, Norman threw a sharp gaze at his three best friends. Emma nor Y/n would have a reason to be Mama's spy, so he knew well that it was Ray...but the moment Norman made that conclusion was his own mistake.

"The traitor is you, Ray."

"No kidding, Sherlock."

Norman was mistaken. Nobody saw it coming.

"I'm the traitor."

"Emma?! H-how could you?!"

"Why, Emma?!"


Ray and Norman were shocked beyond belief. Poor Y/n was heartbroken at the news. After all these years, Emma's happy smile was only a mask to deceive everyone. Emma only did this so that she can live. Then were all those years filled with fake happiness and love? All those words that Emma gave with a smile, were they all false hope?

"Mama guaranteed me a future. If you want one as well, I suggest you come to our side."

People are selfish. Even those with the purest of hearts can be tainted.

Originally, Mama made Ray as the spy, but the woman knew that she would benefit more if she used Emma. She did pick the redhead as a perfect candidate to be a Mama. And so, Isabella made a bargain. Emma held up her end of the deal, and acted her part.

"So...when we went to the were only pretending?"

"It was merely an act, Norman."

With wide eyes, Y/n's ears were pierced every word that came out of Emma's mouth. Her heart was pounded with needles. What should Y/n do now?

"Join me, Y/n. I'll give you a future too."

"Emma...this isn't you."

She says this with a shaky voice, desperately wanting the happy Emma back. But will that Emma really come back?

"If you don't want to join, then you might as well escape. We're still family, so I'll help you."

That Emma is still there, buried deep inside a broken puppet.

"Y/n, whatever happens to me, just know that I genuinely love you, and I cherished everything that we've been through together."

On that night, Emma gave a sad smile. It was goodbye for them.

"I love you too, Emma."

the end.

I swear I'll make it up to you guys, I'll write a pure fluff Emma-

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