white • norman

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Lemme bring back our bby Norman-

"Hello? Earth to Y/n?"


A blur of white. Then a flash of sapphire blue. Oh, it's just Norman.

"How many hours of sleep did you get last night?"

"Don't you mean minutes?"

"Oh my gosh, Y/n..."

Lack of sleep has never been a concern for you. You're a night owl, and you usually stay up until the ass-crack of dawn. You know Norman is concerned. He's your husbando, so you know he cares.

You work as a freelance author and editor. You're also doing a part-time job as a manga translator, proofreader, and all that stuff.
Right now, you're currently working under five editing companies. No day-offs, no leaves, all work.

You love your work, especially the parts where you actually get to write. You're glad people love your work. (Talking bout u guys luv ya) But all this work is taking a big toll on you.

Lately, you've been getting a major writer's block, and it makes your mind completely blank. Blank. White. Norman's hair is white. Hey, maybe you could write a story about Norman. And you get to it immediately, ideas rushing to your head.

Norman comes into your small office, seeing that you began writing on your notebook. He noted to himself that he has to buy you a new one for your birthday.

He leaves, and later comes back with a nice cup of coffee. He comes up to you, sets down the beverage, then gives you a big kiss on the lips.

"You're doing great, love."

"Thanks, honey."

An hour later, your love checks up on you. He finds you nodding off, sees your eyes wanting to close. He sighs. Your knight in white carries you to the bedroom, gently placing you on your side.

"Let's just sleep, okay?" He fixes the blanket to cover the both of you.

"But, Norman...I have work t-"

You tried to protest, but he put a finger against your lips, shutting you up.

"No. Sleep."

You sigh happily. You were more than glad to have married this man.

"I love you, and I want what's best for you. I appreciate and love what you do. I may not always tell you this, but I will definitely show it. Even when we sleep, I would love you. For my heart belongs to you, and your heart belongs to me, I will love you until the end of time."

As he recites his vow, your white wedding sheds their tears. You cried too. After that, the ceremony ends with a beautiful kiss. You and Norman walk out to your happily ever after.


"Norman, look!"

A blur of white, a flash of sapphire blue, and a baby's cry. Oh, it's your first newborn child.

the end.

A/n: So I published the new TPN fanfic and a few seconds after I did, I said to myself: "It sucks." I suck anyway so it doesn't matter-

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