butterfly • ray

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I saw a butterfly

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I saw a butterfly. It was the prettiest thing I ever saw...besides Y/n. Because I love her.

"Is this a pigeon?"

"...Um, are you an idiot?"

All she did was laugh. I don't get her sometimes. She must be joking. Only Y/n would laugh at her own jokes. She's weird. But still, I love my butterfly.

The wind was barely there, but I caught it ruffling Y/n's hair. It tickled her and they danced. She smiled gleefully. The flowers smiled along with her. I simply sat there, trying not to grin like an idiot. How I love her so. I know she loves me back. Ah, I'm such a sap.

"Let's play tag!"


"Because you always chase after my heart."

I stand corrected. She's the sap. But still, she is my butterfly, and I am the flower that she flutters around. Ah, there it is again. It gracefully flies past me and Y/n. We stayed quiet for a while.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

"Yeah...it is."

Y/n jumps up and dusts off her skirt. With that stupid grin of hers, she announces, "Let's play hide and seek. I hide and you look for me."

Before I was about to groan and roll my eyes, I could already see Y/n running away farther into the forest. I sigh and count. And since Y/n wasn't that good at hiding, I found her within five minutes. And before I knew it, we were both racing against the wind.

"Catch me if you can, Ray!"

"You're not Emma!"

She wasn't that fast of a runner too. On the contrary, she's light on her feet and is agile. She has good reflexes, I'll admit. Still, I love my butterfly. I love her so much.

And as I tackled her, we both fell to the ground and bursted out in laughter. I know it's rare for me to laugh- I just chuckled. But Y/n, she was laughing really loud. I'm glad that she's always this happy. She may not be as cheery as Emma on a daily basis, but her bright face would never darken.

"Thank you, Ray."

"For what?"

"For everything, obviously."

I hugged her body closer to mine. Before I got to her lips, she started disappearing from my grasp. I tried to reach for the butterfly. Everything turned black. My entire world crumbled underneath my feet. And I woke up.

"Ray? Are you alright?"

I look to my side, Emma and Norman watching me with concern. Y/n was their friend too, so they know. But still, how I loved her so.

"We're so sorry, Ray." Emma hugged me.

Norman joined in. "We're here for you."

I swallowed back my tears. I clenched my heart, and I whispered to the wind, for one last time;

"But still, I love my butterfly."

the end.

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