absolute • emma

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Modern/School AU | Gender neutral reader (you can be male or female) *raises bi and pan flag*
As promised, I'm making Emma x reader fluff
Let's start...


"Because...I wanna be your friend!"

"Yeah, you said that. But why?"

You are the most feared person in school. Not literally though. You had power, because you're the Student Council President. You are absolute. Your orders are absolute. (Yes, y'all know who it is)
But when you met Emma on a fateful day, everything started to change.

She annoyed you at first, making you embarrassed in almost every situation.
There was that time when you were playing (sport) with your team and the redhead wouldn't stop cheering and calling your name. You would never forget that day.
And during lunch time, she would follow you around like a lost puppy. You reprimanded her many times now, but she still remained stubborn. Now, most of your classmates even tease you- especially Norman (the Vice) and Ray (the Secretary).

Today was like any other day. From morning until end of school, she followed you. For the most part, you learned to ignore her presence. Even when she ate lunch with you in the meeting room. During class, she would pass you little notes filled with drawing. And she would send those notes in various ways. It's a shock that she wasn't caught by the teacher yet. It doesn't end there. She even leaves notes in your locker, your textbooks, and even your bag! It's a shock you weren't fed up yet. But you were reaching your limit.

"Emma. We need to talk."

You were in the library with her during lunch break. She always knows where you go and it pisses you off.

"Let's go to the roof," you demand. She follows like the usual.

After two good minutes of silence, you finally spoke. "Why?"


"Why do you keep following me?"

"Because I wanna be your friend!"

She says this with a goofy grin. You pinch the bridge of your nose.


"Because...I wanna be your friend!"

"Yeah, you said that. But why?" You grumbled under your breath. "And don't make me ask again."

Emma fell silent for a while. Her green eyes trailed to the ground. Then she smiled.

"I follow you because I think you're cool. I wanna be your friend because I figured that you're in need of one. You seemed lonely, Y/n."

Her words hit you. So what if you didn't have friends? So what if you wanted to be alone? What's wrong with that? This time, you fell silent. Emma goes forward to hug you. You clicked your tongue.

"My orders are absolute. But...I will allow you to be my friend, Emma."

She gasps in delight and hugs you tighter.

"You are such an absolute...cinnamon roll."

the end.

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