us • oliver

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[Band AU]

• Oliver = vocals
• Y/n = guest vocalist
• Zack = drums
• Violet = keyboard
• Gillian = acoustic guitar

"You're performing with Y/n next week. It'll be a duet."

"Oh, sure..."

Like any other day, their band practiced. The main members of Goldy Pond receives news from their Manager that Oliver is going to be singing a duet with a famous solo artist- who also happened to be his childhood best friend. He hasn't seen her for a long time, so he only guessed that things will get awkward from here on out.

"She's here!"

His heart skipped a beat after seeing her again. She looked much more beautiful, grown up and matured. She was still the same girl that Oliver fell in love with all those years ago, right?

"Hey, Oliver. You probably don't remember me. It's been a long time, huh?"

"Y-yeah...It's good to see you again, Y/n."

For the most part, practice took over everyone's schedules. But nonetheless, Oliver managed to snag a little date with Y/n.

His heart fluttered when he sees her in a stunning sundress (or whatever you wanna wear lmao). Well, she looks gorgeous no matter what she wears.

"Hey. You-You look great!"

"Thanks. You too."

It wasn't as awkward as it seems. They managed to catch up with their lives and laughed with each other. Y/n was glad that her first date was with Oliver.

Meanwhile, the boy gathered the courage to confess. He decided to do it on the day of the performance. Will she accept even if they knew each other for a few years? He hoped, he clenched his heart and hoped. He hoped that those five years of friendship would out-balance the six years of separation.

On the day of the performance...
Underneath the spotlight, her hair sparkled and her eyes twinkled in absolute delight. A smile draws on her face, looking straight into Oliver's eyes before the song started...

Everyone's hearts melted as the two singers harmonized. It wasn't just their voices that were in sync, it was also their hearts. Each word of the song filled them, reminding them of the moments they spent together.

"It's all about us."

And at the end of the song, Oliver pulls her in for a kiss. The audience cheers, the curtains close.

The end.

A/n: I shouldn't write songfics lmao

Another note: I already finished making the smut, but I'm going to publish it later so that it'll intentionally become part 69

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