chance • norman

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Wolfgirl011 (I'm sorry this wasn't particularly what you requested for...sorry.)

Another bright, wonderful morning rose upon the Grace Field House and all the children!

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Another bright, wonderful morning rose upon the Grace Field House and all the children!

"Come on! We'll be late for breakfast!"

The children's laughter and chatter bounced off the walls of the orphanage.

It was a little past six, and everyone made their way to the dining hall. Today, it was Y/n and Norman's turn for breakfast duty. They helped set the table and whatnot. Later on, the pair were to wash all the dishes. After washing said dishes, Y/n and Norman follow the rest of the kids to the classroom. They take their respective seats and begin the litany test.

"Age 11, Type 1. Answer the following in 9 seconds. Begin."

In the dark room, only the glowing monitor screens can be seen, along with the concentration of the children's faces. They were serious about getting a perfect score. The Grace Field orphans shouldn't be underestimated.

"Your scores are getting better, everyone! Keep up the good work!"

Some of the kids cheered, some groaned. Mama then went around to give the kids their extra homework.

Skip laundry and lunch, and now is free time. The time when everybody plays like the happy children they are. The time when they are freely playing without a care in the world. Everyone had wonderful smiles on their faces, unknowing of the world's harsh impurities. Their sweet laughter like a melody, Grace Field should have been a paradise for them.

"Are they playing tag again?" Y/n inquired the boy with the book under the tree. He simply nodded and then checked his pocket watch. "7 minutes," he muttered.

"It seems that I'm late to the party," Y/n thought while looking out beyond the forest. "I'll join the next round instead," Y/n thinks once again before going over to sit beside Ray, who still kept his eyes on his book. One can never know what he's thinking of this very moment. Maybe except Norman. Oh, Norman...

"You don't even have a chance."


Ray snapped the girl out of her daydream to remind her that she can't go up against the competition. Y/n sighs, knowing that more than Ray does.

"Ah...don't even worry about it, Ray."

As the kids came back, Y/n wanted to join the game. And Don proposed that everybody will be "it" except for Norman.


Y/n pushed past the leaves, later finding out that Emma had gotten to Norman first. Of course, it's always been that way. In every ways possible, Emma is better. Norman is better. Ray is better. The big three were simply better than her. Y/n was always just a step behind. She knew that Norman was totally head over heels for Emma, so she gave up.

"So, I guess Emma wins."

Y/n interrupted the pair, seeing as they were sharing a quiet bonding moment. She wondered as to why they were staring at the low perimeter fence. She recalls Ray's words when they were kids.

"The fence doesn't seem that dangerous."

By that time, a few others gathered. Y/n steps over the fence just like that. The fun ended immediately as soon as Mama rang the bell. Everybody rushed back to the house. Norman looked back to find Y/n still in the same spot. She was outside of the fence, she was looking further beyond (plus ultr-//slapped).

"Y/n?" Norman called out.

"Coming," Y/n replied monotonously.

That night, after Emma and Norman had discovered the truth, they came back with a frown on their face. Y/n immediately knew that something was wrong.

(※ how come my writing becomes super shitty when I write for Norman? No offense tho)



The next day, Y/n went to confront the genius boy. The only way she could talk to him alone is if she could challenge him for a one-on-one, even though she knows she cannot beat him.

"Footrace. You and me. If I win, you tell me everything. If you win, I'll leave you alone."

Y/n was left panting, evidently tired. If Norman hadn't took a sharp corner at that last moment, then Y/n would have definitely won. With her hands on her knees, Y/n grunts at Norman. "A deal is a deal. You win."
But before she turns to leave, Norman called out to her once again.

"I was planning to tell you anyway. C'mon, Y/n, give me a chance."

"So, you're telling me, that this place is a farm?"

Norman tried his best to explain the situation to Y/n. Now joined by Emma and Ray, they all formulate a plan to escape.

The daily life that was lived in Grace Field was no more. The smiles were now fake. The love was missing. The children were only meals.

"Congratulations, Norman. Your shipment date has been set."

"Listen...This is my last chance to tell you this: I love you, Norman. Don't take my feelings into consideration. I'm not asking you to like me back. I just wanted to tell you."


"Bye, Norman."

the end.

A/N: What the fuck did I just write? Don't vote for this omg

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