beach • norman/emma

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Modern AU!

"This is the best road trip ever!"

"Emma, this is your first road trip ever."

"I know that!"

The two teens decided to drive away to a paradise for their spring break. They were soon getting to college, so all they needed a small break.

"Too bad that Ray couldn't come with us," Emma pouts.

Norman chuckles under his breath, "Yeah...He did say that he was busy writing too many essays this week." A drop of sweat breaks out from Norman's side, knowing all too well that his dark-haired best friend was not writing essays at all. Ray had gone through the trouble of telling all their friends not to accept the redheaded girl's invites so that it'll be just Norman and Emma alone together.

"I can't believe everyone else is so busy."

"Well, you can't really blame them. They simply can't clear up their schedule."

Norman tried to keep his eyes on the empty road to distract him from the pouting Emma. She placed her chin on top of her arm as she leaned on the window.

"Don't worry. We'll invite them next time," Norman reassures her with a smile.

Moments later...
The fresh breeze blew against their faces (and thank God there weren't any flies). The radio softly blended in the background that made everything seem like a picture-perfect scene.

"So...Emma." Norman broke the silence by clearing his throat. "What's first on our list?"

Emma pulled out a piece of paper from the pocket of her sling bag. "Umm..." She fumbled while trying to find the right side up. "Ah! It says here that we need to book a hotel."

"Before that, we need to stop by a gas station," Norman announces with a slight hint of worry in his voice, seeing that his car's fuel is going to run out soon.

※ Norman's car is a 1964 Chevrolet Impala (Royal Blue).

"Norman, can we get more snacks?"

"Sure. Just not too much."

After finding the closest gas station, Emma takes a run inside the store to buy more food. The poor girl is getting hungry but Norman warned her earlier not to eat all the food that they packed up. After a few minutes, they were ready to get back on the road trip. This time, Emma turned up the radio and began to hum along with the songs.

"We're here!"

Norman turns off his engine whilst Emma jumps out the car and inhales that beach breeze. She's absolutely thrilled to be spending time with Norman today, but next time, everyone else has to come. They're missing out on a fun day!


"I dare you to write 'I suck' on his forehead."

Ray was with the gang, living it up in Lucas's beach House. And poor Yugo was played with in his slumber. Lucas was the one who invited everyone since Gillian suggested it. Ray obliged since he didn't have anything better to do anyway.

"Emma, can you please help me carry our stuff?"

"Oh, sorry! Let me carry those, Norman!"

After a few minutes of struggle, the two finally collapsed on their bed. Oh, yes, they're sharing a bed.

"Let's go to the beach!"

"Your energy never seems to run out, huh?"

While Emma went down to the sandy beaches, Norman got a call from Ray.


Hey, Norman. How are you doing? How's Emma?

We're fine...

Is she still acting like a five-year-old?

You know it.

After the call ended, Norman went to follow Emma down at the beach. He doesn't find her at first, thinking that she went to change. He shrugged and went to change as well. When he came out, he saw a familiar redhead sitting atop a beach blanket and under a parasol. Obviously, that's Emma.

Idiot Norman. He mentally facepalmed. He just didn't expect her to look so...

"Norman! Over here!"

Absolutely stunning. Norman just fell in love with her all over again.

Emma wore a beautiful white two-piece bikini that showed off her beautiful curves. (Ooh mah boi Norman's kokoro is going doki doki.)

"Come on!"

"This is the best trip ever," Norman thought.

the end.

Ray stood in the balcony of the beach house, watching his two best friends having fun through a telescope. They have no idea he was just nearby.

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