Chapter 1: Distant

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"Watch out! Wheezy! Come one girl, you aren't listening!", our captain shouted. I love that nickname, and I love the person who just used it. Steph has always been a mother figure to me, I trust her far more than anyone in the squad. Well, apart from G. Georgia Stanway is my best friend ever since we met.

This whole Manchester City family is weird though. I do love it here, but I get the feeling that they don't want me here. They think I don't notice how they look at me sometimes. Or everytime I want to hang out, they suddenly have no time, except for G or Steph. I talked with them about that actually, but they think I just read too much into everything. I'm not sure what I should believe.

However, since both Ellie Roebuck and Sandy McIver are out injured, with both having teared their ACL, I've had to step up and I've had far more work. I'm the number one goalkeeper now at just seventeen years old. I'll be eighteen at the end of december. I hate late birthdays. Khiara Keating is my back-up, even though she is two years older then me. I guess Gareth Taylor, our manager, has more trust in me.

Anyways, my feelings about being unwanted here still didn't fade. I came trough from the Manchester academy last year, so I practically grew up in the team's environment. I was born in Milton Keynes, but we moved to Manchester for my dad. He finally got to own a part of the Manchester City Womens Football Club. Ever since Ellie and Sandy are out, I've constantly delivered for our team, which also got us to the second place in the WSL for now.

Gareth told me both England and Belgium are sending scouts to my games. I was surprised when he told me, because I didn't think I was that good, yet.

My dad is English through and through. He drinks tea at breakfast, and he reads every news paper with it as well. My mom is from Belgium. She travelled to England before we were born, and later she returned and started her family here with dad. That's why every summer, we go on vacation back home. Well, our other home.

My dad has always pushed me to persue a career in football. That's because he lives in that environment, so he wanted his kids to persue his hobby. At first I didn't even like it, but then I discovered the keeping position.

And then there is my Belgian mom. She is controlling like hell. I love Belgium. But if I had to choose, I'd definitely play for the Lionesses. It has always been a dream to play for England, and mom knows this. I talked with her about it and to say she was mad about that is an understatement. Like I said, controlling. I think she is the reason they never came to any of my games. I don't think I can say they have ever been to one. And I've never understood that, because my dad loves this sport.

Anyways, if TWO national teams are trying to reach me, then believe me when I say that I really don't understand what I could've possibly done wrong to receive this treatment. Until recently I've had my family to get me through it. Well, with 'family', I mean my brothers. I don't like my parents, and I get the feeling that like everyone else, they don't like me too much either. I don't understand what it is about me, honestly. It stands out to me that my dad wants me to be somebody. I think he wants me to be a mini-him. But my mom acts often like I don't exist. Or when she does acknowledge me, it's to ask me to do all the chores in the house. One time, not too long ago, she has even asked me for some money that I'm making. Apparently they had not enough to cover the expenses. She doesn't have a job, and I don't think my dad makes that much, so I just gave it to her.

The last time I saw my family was a year ago. They moved back to Milton Keynes last year. I had to stay in the academy from my dad, so we arranged that I started living with someone on the team. That's why I am still having the time of my life, despite this dynamic on the team, because I'm living with G.

Two days ago, I got a call from one of my brothers, Noah. Our parents died. It was a shock, you can say that. I could understand dad's death, but mom's?

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