Chapter 39: Done with you

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"So", Leah said while she sat down on my bed. I still had to unpack because Sarina did the meeting first. 

"So", I mimicked her while I put my clothes away.

"We're not going to talk about it?", she asked confused.

"I want to, but if you don't want to?", I grew confused too.

"Yes! Yeah, I want to", she jumped up. But then she kept quiet.

"The words aren't going to come from themselves Le", I chuckled. I was still mad, but more annoyed than furious.

"Right. So I'm sorry", she started.

"Yes you said, sorry about...", I gave her something to start with.

"I'm sorry about what I said. I shouldn't have used your family against you, you never chose them. It got the better of me but that's no excuse. All I can say is that I'll never do that again. I am truly sorry", she said.

"Alright then. I should probably also say sorry about some things... So I'm sorry about them", I responded. I am a petty person so she shouldn't expect more then that, but she knew. She also knew what I meant by those words. 'I'm sorry I can't put my emotions into words but I love you'. Or at least I hope she got that message because that's what it means.

"This was our first fight", Leah laughed while she dragged me down onto her lap.

"I don't want a rematch any time soon", I scoffed.

"I don't want one ever, but we'll go with yours", she whispered in my ear.

"I missed you. Don't ever ignore me again. Even if we fight, you will send me an 'I love you' text or I'll drive to your house and take you home in my trunk", I threatend her. 

"To be fair, you ignored me too. You could have send one yourself. You know I would have responded the same", she squeezed my hips now. 

"Asshole", we all know I wouldn't do that. I never back down first.

"I missed you too, by the way. I missed you soooo much", she pressed her front into my back.

"Okay! Keep it in your pants now!", I got up to put the rest of my things away.

"Louiseeee", she whined while she laid back down.

"No! Get out! You're distracting me", I shouted playfully and pointed at the door.

"Fine, but just so you know, you aren't on a physical contact ban this time. So, I'm always down for a hug or a kiss", she looked at me cheekily from my bed. I just huffed and bent down to give her one, but this cheeky shit pulled me on top of her again.

"Like I said: asshole. Go, before I give you a ban this time", I repeated my playful threat again.

"Fineee, see you at training then", she smiled my way.

After I was finished, I stayed in my room. I didn't see the use in it to go downstairs, talk to my national teammates whom I all know already, and to go back up again after that. Call me lazy, I call it smart.

I was wasting my time on Hay Day when Beth stormed in.

"You're needed downstairs. Now!", she looked panicked. I didn't even need to think what this was about. Ever since I saw the news, I knew she'd show up.

Why does an elevator ride always feel like an eternity when you need it to go fast? I should've taken the stairs. Wait, my room is on the third floor.. No, I made the right desicion. Again smart, not lazy.

"Mom!", I greeted Martha. I am always a fan of sarcasm, I'll never let go of that trait of mine.

"Look who's out", she shouted back. Only, her voice contained disgust, anger, all those things. Mine contained joy, humor, sarcasm obviously, and even some compassion. Keep in mind, this woman was in my life for seventeen years. I can't just act like that didn't happen.

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