Chapter 37: Worry about what?

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"Ready?", I asked Leah. I blindfolded her when I picked her up this evening. I made sure she couldn't see anything while I drove us to her favourite restaurant. 

"Yes ma'am. You can let me see now", she whined. It was obvious she was blindfolded against her will. But it was for good reason, so I ignored her remark.

"Babe", she stated again. Nope, not hearing you.

"Louise", well, now she's serious.

"No", I laughed it off.

"Whatever", she pouted. We just sat in silence most of the ride.

"Come on, out of the car. I'll let you see where we are now", I said when we arrived.

"Finalyyyy, that only took you like forever", she exaggerated.

"I can always change my mind too", I teased her.

"NO!", she yelled. 

"Calm down! There are people here", I said. We already exited the car so people could think I kidnapped her.

"Serves you right", she smirked at me while I unblindfolded her.

"Jerk", I laughed.

"Oh you love me", she hung in my face.

"That I do. Very much", I smiled and pecked her lips.

"Happy birthday again baby. Finally twenty-two", I added after that.

"Crazy, right? Be happy as long as you have a one at the beginning of your age. You'll miss it", she told me.

"Don't act like you're old now. Twenty-two is still young. Especially for us, footballers. Look at what we've accomplished already", I said. I wasn't kidding. She had a few titles at Arsenal, and won a EURO's with England. She came in second at the World Cup. She also played in some Olympics games. I accomplished less than her. I won a League Cup with City, but that was it. But then again, if you consider the amount of games I played in just one season, it was logical.

"Let's go", I smiled.

We entered the restaurant and sat down at our table. Before the waiters came in, I gave her her present.

"For you and your beautiful eyes", I said while I got lost in said eyes.

"How romantic", she said, and actually meant it this time.

"Lou", she said when she opened the box. "This is gorgeous"

"You're gorgeous", I was still mesmerized by her eyes.

"Alright now, shut up and help me put it on", she laughed.

After that, we just moved along and talked about everything and nothing while we stuffed our bodies with everything they gave us. At the end, we almost couldn't walk.

"I shouldn't have asked for a second lobster", Leah sighed while we walked back to the car.

"I still don't understand why you did that, but okay", I rolled my eyes, also in the tiniest bit of agony.

"All you can eat means 'eat everything you see' in my eyes", I received for answer. Right.

"I'm so full", I said. Normally, I'd drive home but I didn't even know if I could anymore.

"Shall I drive?", on the other hand... Leah was a terrible driver. I could manage a few minutes more.

"I got it", I smiled gently. She just laughed.

"I know, knowing me, we'd probably end up in a bush..."

"I didn't want to say it", I smiled back at her while I sneakily grabbed the car keys from her hand.

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