Chapter 24: The ultimate tragedy

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Trigger warning! I AM SORRY!

We had two days until the second half of the season. That meant this was Leah's and my last night together for a while. We just went to my old house, that way everyone could have a bed. The rest of our time off was great, Leah loves my family and they love her. We mostly hung out with all of us ever since the party at Amanda's. Sometimes we gathered in our house, then it was back at Amanda's, Lisa even offered to go see her place. 

The only house we didn't see yet was mom and Tobin's, but for very obvious reasons. They flew back a couple days ago, because they wanted me and Leah to have a little time to ourselves before we would go our separate ways again for the rest of the season.

We were sleeping peacefully until my alarm went off. Wait, why is it going off at three in the morning? Oh, I got it, someone is calling me. Way to go McKay.

"Hello?", I asked groggily through the phone. Which one of my friends is my future victim?

"Louise, I'm sorry I'm calling, I know you were asleep", I had trouble recognizing the anxious voice because I wasn't awake for that long.

"Who is it?", Leah mumbled while she held me closer.

"Sorry, who is this?", I just bluntly asked, because I still had no clue.

"Amanda", why was she sounding afraid?

"Amanda, what's going on?"

Leah was awake now too. We both sat up while I put my phone on speaker.

"Louise, I'm so sorry. I tried to keep an eye on him", she only said. She isn't making any sense and she sounds like she's in shock. We're not getting anywhere with her like this.

"Is David there? Or Jacob? Are my brothers awake? Can you just get me any one else on?", I searched desperate.

"I'm so, so sorry", she just went on further. What the hell is going on? Is she crying?

"Amanda, breathe for me. I don't understand. What's going on?", I began panicking myself. I started to get worried. Everything's fine right? I searched for Leah's hand for support, but she was already a step ahead of me and held my shoulders tight.

"I, they, oh my God...", she was useless right now. I got out of bed and I just got ready to run to her house. 

"Amanda, I'm coming. I mean we're coming. Just, I don't know, like, calm down and open the door when we arrive"

Leah and I got changed faster than we ever had before. Then we ran to Leah's childhood house and just began knocking frantically on the door.

David opened it. He looked, sad? Oh, blood. On his hands. On his cheek. Blood on both of his legs. I looked him up and down, but he didn't react? It was as if he was in shock too.

"Amanda?!", I called out while Leah took care of her dad.

"Louise, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I'm sorry", she came down the hallway while she just kept repeating herself.

"Why are you sorry", I almost whispered. I was fearing for the worst case scenario.

"Noah, he's..., he's, oh my God. He's dead", Amanda cried.

No. This can't keep happening. Not him. Not Noah.

"What...", I sort of whispered. I was now in shock too. I just wandered around the house a bit. I don't know how, but I landed next to David on the couch. I looked slowly to him, and he did the same. Then we both turned around again. We were just sitting on the couch, staring into nothingness. The same nothingness that now contains my sweet, sweet brother.

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