Chapter 3: Crush

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"But also something else..."

"Of course, ask me!", she answered. I'm curious of how she will react, because right now she doesn't know a lot about any of this.

"My brothers said that your mom helped them when I couldn't be there. Is there any chance I can meet with her? To thank her and..., I know it's not fair from me to ask this, but I don't know anything else I can do..."

"Just spit it out McKay", she tried to joke, but I didn't find it in me to laugh which got her also quiet.

"Is there any chance your mom can look out for them while I find a solution? I can't do much because I have to return to Manchester soon. I wouldn't ask this if I had any other option Leah", I begged. I think Leah must find this very weird, because we don't really know each other. I know who she is because Keira is on our team and she is also G's best friend. But other than encounters with Arsenal, we haven't really spoken to one another.

"Let me ring her right now, I'll get back to you, okay? I'm really sorry about your parents Louise, I'll call you when I have an answer", she reasoned. She is a true angel, that woman.

"Thank you so much Leah! You don't know how much that means!", I called after her.

"Alright, I'll call you back"

I went upstairs to just be with my brothers. I opened Noah's door and I was met with a funny, yet beautiful sight. They were sleeping with their controllers still in their hands, while staying seated on the floor. Felix' head was hanging slightly forwards and that would cause some serious neck pain in the morning, so I just picked him up and laid him in the bed. I looked at him, his face radiating peace and rest.

"I may be fifteen, but he doesn't deserve this. He is only thirteen years old, and has already lost both of his parents", I heard behind me.

"Noah, you just said it. You're fifteen. Hell, I'm seventeen! We all don't deserve this. Look at him, he'll be fine. You'll both be fine, you two are the strongest boys this world has ever seen. Just promise me you'll look both look after each other for me when I'm not here please?", I answered him.

"I will, we will. Don't worry too much about us", this time it was Felix who said it.

"Look, come here you two, let's sit down", I said. I think it's time to tell them what's happening and what's still to come.

"I just called Leah Williamson. She also grew up here. Her mom, Amanda, is the one who came here to check up on you two. I asked her to call her mom and to ask if she can help with looking out for you until we find a permanent solution. That way you can still hang around here and go to school here. She has yet to call me back, but I trust Amanda to help us. I have to go back in a few days, and since I graduated this year and I have a professional contract at Manchester, they'll let me live there. I have to find someone to be my guardian, or else I'll be sent to a group home near the Manchester facilities. For you guys, we will need to find a guardian aswell, or you'll also be sent to a group home, but here in Milton Keynes. I'm so sorry I can't change that, but I promise if we don't find anyone, I promise you I'll adopt you when I become eighteen. That way it's maximum for a couple months. Leah has yet to call me back, but we'll figure this out", I told them the whole story. We are in this together, so they have the right to know what's happening.

"Lou-lou, you can't do anything for us, except pray. I know that, Felix, you know that too I suppose?", Noah told me and Felix nodded along.

"I know you feel like you have the responsibility now to act like our new mom, but we can help each other through this. You're not on your own for this mess. We'll figure it out, together", he went on and that's when the tears sprung to my eyes.

I just went to answer him, but my phone rang, again.

Leah Williamson wanting to call...

"Look, it's Leah, I'll answer her here, but please be quiet okay?", I shot them a look to which they responded by nodding again. I accepted the call.

"Hey Leah", I said carefull, scared that my offer would be rejected right away.

"Hey Louise!", she sounded chearful, could that be good news?

"I talked with my mom, and she said she'll come to your house right away, that way you can arrange things between the two of you, without me as the middle man. Is that alright with you?", she said hastily. I think she has training about right now.

"Yes, thanks again Leah! This means a lot!", I said happily while looking at my brothers with hope.

"Alright, look, I have to let you go right now, is it okay if I call you once again when my training ends?", she asked, a lot more timid now.

"Of course, have a good day!", that slipped out before I knew it, and so I hung up the phone before she could reply. I'm so clumsy with my words sometimes.

"Amanda is coming here as we speak", I smiled to Noah and Felix, both of them becoming happy and hopefull.

"Let's hope she'll help us", Noah sighed.

"She will, I trust her. She raised the one and only Leah Williamson, if there is anyone in the world who has a pure and kind soul, it's Leah", I said, a little too dreamy to say in front of my brothers. Of course, they couldn't resist to pester me for it. I didn't came out to anyone yet, but it was clear for me. I was actually curious about how they would react. I know my parents would never accept me, that's why I just didn't say anything.

"Looks like someone has a crush!", Felix shouted out. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at that. I love them and all, but they don't need to know about my love life. I am, however, glad they think about a girl being with a girl as normal. That's all what matters to me.

"Shut it, Feels, or I'll show you", I treathened, but apparently words don't mean a thing in his ears. He was already dancing around while saying things like 'Lou-lou has a crush', or 'Leah is my sister now'. That boy, he really is something. Noah was just laughing at him, but he also smirked at me. Is he really thinking the same right now?

"I DON'T have feelings for her!", I tried to convince them, but it is hard to convince someone when you don't really believe yourself... Again, Noah noticed the doubt in my own words, and now he stood up aswell and began shouting along with Felix. Ugh, those boys.

"I hate you guys", I sighed while laying down. I stared at the ceiling ang began thinking. Do I like Leah? That can't be, right? I'm just telling myself things, because I can't think straight these days. After all, my parents just died.

There was a knock on the door. Felix and Noah became quiet in a matter of seconds, and I jumped back up. We looked at each other, a little bit more scared then before. Things just became real.

I went downstairs and opened the door. There stood Amanda, smiling sadly at me.

"Louise, it's lovely to meet you. You have some very nice brothers", she greeted me and gave me a hug. A very motherly hug, I must say.

"Hi ms. Williamson", I greeted her back and she shot me a look right away.

"It's Amanda for you, sweety. Don't you call me by my last name. That makes me feel really old", she chuckled and it made me laugh aswell. We walked to the kitchen.

"Alright Amanda, would you like something to drink?", I asked her but she shook her head.

"I'm alright, thank you", she smiled.

"Okay, do you want to sit in the living room? My brothers are already there", I asked and she agreed right away.

I guess things are about to get started.


I'm sorry that this is a little bit shorter. I didn't have a lot of time, but I promise the next ones will be longer :-)

So... does Louise really have no feelings for Leah? I guess we'll find out soon...

Thanks everyone for the messages! I love reading your ideas, keep them coming! 

Thanks for reading!

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