Chapter 35: A new club

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Why does everyone think it's normal to call somebody in the early morning? Alright, I guess not everyone considers 11 AM 'early morning', but have some respect... Professional football players don't get that many days off so let me sleep in damn it.

This was my last night and morning as an England player for a while. I'm just glad I got my first cap already.

But back to this annoying sound, who even is it this time?

Unknown number. Of course. I sat up sleepy.

"Hello?", I got out of my throat after being awake for two seconds.

"Hey Louise! I didn't wake you, did I?", I heard a familiar voice.

"I'm sorry, who is this?", I couldn't quite place it. Again, two seconds...

"Ah, did I leave my settings on 'unknown number' again? I'm sorry, it's me", my agent and best friend Raúl said. He is very good at his job, but technology is a thing we still need to work on with him.

"Hi Raúl, don't worry about it. What's up?", I chuckled while I laid back again. I didn't need to focus so much when he called, we go way back.

I know him because we went to the same high school, he handled my business ever since I needed someone to, even though he was the same age as me. He said it would give him some experience for later in life. We never got on the same page about our interests, he always found business amazing whereas I always failed that topic. It was the complete opposite concerning PE, I always stood out where he was that one kid who couldn't pass a single test. But it worked out in the end. I don't have that much friends left because I was always busy training, but he stuck by me no matter what. A true friend, one that I dearly love.

"You know I always tell you when an interesting offer comes along, right?", he joked. I never had a club offer me something, because I was just eighteen years old and came out of the academy.

"Right", I went along with it anyways.

"No for real, your first offer just came in. It's for next season, and it's really good", he said.

"Is it in England?", I asked while I sat up again. I was awake now.

"Yes, it's here. And it's still in the WSL, so you won't downgrade", he spoke excited. Which club would want me? I'm a goalkeeper, and I didn't hear that any other club was in need of one.

"Just tell me! Who is it?", I asked frantically.

POV: Leah

I need to call her. Just call her and clear up your behavior. You were really strange, just call.

Call. Call. Call.

I couldn't get anything else out of my thoughts. I was sitting in my room, G and I were just doing our own thing while relaxing. Breakfast wasn't mandatory because technically our camp was already over, so we all just slept in. Anyways, I never felt good how I left things with Louises mother, Alex. I was about to ask her something but then Lou woke up.

I was about to ask her if she thought it was okay.

I just acted. If I didn't do it now, I probably wouldn't do it any time soon.

"What are you doing?", G asked. I was laying in an uncomfortable position, because I was searching for my phone while holding my sudoku-book in my hand so I wouldn't lose my place.

"Just... trying... got it", I panted. I think I twisted just about every muscle in me to pick up the damn thing.

"You know, I said it before, but we're so strange", G said with a face so funny I just couldn't help but laugh.

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