Chapter 16: The soulmate

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Slight trigger warning!

And here I was, sitting in a hospital again, for a family member. What a nice way to spend your sunday evening, right?

Noah's fine, the doctors moved him from the ICU. He's sleeping right now. Amanda and Felix are here with me, along with Jacob and David. And Leah. I don't know why, but I'm so glad she's here. I hope she didn't come to support me though, because I would never ask her to do that. I thinks she sees my brothers as her family too, but deep down I know she's here for me.

"Did you want sugar of not? I forgot"

"Louise", I snapped my head up.

"What?", I asked bewildered. Leah chuckled.

"In your own world again?", was all she asked. I guess you could say that.

"I'm sorry. Did you need something?", I apologized.

"Just if you want sugar or not in your coffee?", she repeated sweetly.

"Yes please, thanks", I smiled back. She is so gentle with me, I don't deserve her. I need to talk to her. I can't let her go even though I technically already have.

"Le, can we talk?", I blurted out. I can't let it wait any longer, because this has been eating on me since she walked out of my house that night.

"Do you want to do this right now? We can wait a couple days too if you want, I won't run", Leah whispered to me while she looked around the room, signalling to me that we weren't alone. I forgot that her parents, brother and Felix were all sitting in Noah's room with us. And of course they all were staring at the two of us, like we were their personal reality show.

"Right, follow me", I got her message but I really wanted to talk to her.

She sighed lightly but followed anyways.

"Look, Louise, I never wanted to hurt you, but I did. I can't be the one to make your life even worse than it is already. I'm the one who made the decision to give you space, you never made me do that. If that's what you wanted to talk about of course", she began right away.

"I have a twin sister", I said as if I didn't just hear her rant.

"You, what?", she asked surprised.

"Did you ever caught the name of the woman that you slept with? Please, it's important", I let her wander in the dark for a bit more.

"I think it was something like Laura, or Lina. Something that started with an L, that's also why I thought it was you. I swear she looked just like y-", she began apologizing again.

"Lisa? Was it Lisa?", I urged her.

"Yeah, I think so, how do you know that?", she looked at me now. It was a long time ago she ever looked into my eyes again.

"Lisa's my twin sister, Leah. You slept with my twin, that's why you thought it was me. We're identical, apparently", I said relieved. She didn't mean to. She never meant to.

"I, I don't really know what to say...", was all she said. I felt for her, so I decided to do the talking myself.

"I wanted to believe you when you said you thought it was me, but I just couldn't. I couldn't get over the fact that you cheated on me. But now that I know that you couldn't have known, I forgive you Le. I didn't even know myself I had a twin, so how should you have known? I want us to work, I can't let you go without trying to make us work. If you still want to leave now, you can. I won't hold you hostage. But know I want this, I want us Le", I pleaded. I was so scared she'd just walk away now. She'd walk away from me, from us.

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