Chapter 23: Battle

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And there it was. The day I always dread for a whole year. Just for it to appear once again.

Today was the 29th of December. Lisa and my birthday. But also Leah and my four month anniversary. And it is the latter that I definitely want to celebrate.

After the party a couple days ago, everyone decided to just stay at Amanda's. We were spending Christmas together anyways, and the atmosphere was good, so why change it?

Mom and Tobin still shared the couch, but me and Leah shared Leah's old bed. At first I suggested that I would share a bed with Lisa, but it was actually Lisa that urged me to go with Leah. I don't know whether it was because she knows about us or she wanted to lie next to Jacob. Leah and I didn't say anything about us yet, but we weren't that discreet either. We just decided it was no ones business but ours, and we would tell them when we were ready. But to be honest, I think everyone knows.

But I am sure as hell going to ask Lisa about Jacob. We wouldn't want any funny business happening there!

I laid as still as possible, but I was bored so I grabbed my phone. I wanted to enjoy this moment before all the birthday wishes would come. I don't think people know about my birthday. I've always asked the media from City to not post anything. And I don't think my brothers will say anything aswell, we understand each other when it comes to that. They never say it to me, I never say it to them.

But the rest of them, well, I reckon they'll make a comment or two. Especially because Lisa is eighteen now aswell. And they won't wish her the best and not me.

I just want it to be over now, then we can go the rest of the day without them making a fuss.

"Hmpscaoub", I heard from next to me. Excuse me?

"You're going to have to try again there babe", I put my phone down and looked down at her.

"Hdmspap", I heard again, but now she turned around and put her arms around my waist, and... sniffed me?

"Did you just sniff me?", I asked in disbelieve.

"Hmmm", I only got out this time. I think I've broken her. I mean, after last night that is definitly possible if you know what I mean.

"Alright then", I just let her be. I didn't want to get up yet. And I think, no I know she doesn't want that either. So we stayed down and enjoyed each others company.

"Would you ever transfer from Arsenal?", I wondered out loud.

"Hmm?", she moved her head up now.

"I know how much Arsenal means to you, so I'm wondering, would you ever give that up?", I asked just curious.

"I don't think I ever will, no", her first words of the day finally arrived. It was with her raspy voice aswell. Hot.

"I don't think you should. Ever. You are Arsenal, Arsenal is you", I told her while I put my arms around her. We were squished together so much you couldn't recognize which limbs were whom.

"And you? With City I mean", she returned the question.

"I don't know. I think maybe? I never had a real connection with the club, not because of the team, just in general. Not like you and Arsenal. I always saw myself playing somewhere else, like City wasn't my endgame", I thought aloud.

"You could transfer to Arsenal. We are really in need of a good goalkeeper", Leah began winning me over already. I know about their keeper... problems let's call them. Zinsberger and D'Angelo have gotten a lot of hate recently. I think that they will be better again, but now they are just a little stuck in a sucky phase. 

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