Chapter 27: Breaking (the) news

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Slight trigger warning!


"Noah's dead"


That was the beginning of the conversation between me and Lisa. I tried to call mom first, but she didn't pick up for a reason I don't know. So, I called Lisa. I didn't even think about what she would be doing right now. Apparently she was at dinner with her teammates.

POV: Lisa

"Wait a second, I am going to a quieter room", I said while everybody looked at me concerned. I think they saw my face expression. I just found out my half-brother, whom I didn't even know very long, just died.

"I'm in a storage room. What are you talking about?", I asked. This couldn't be true.

"David found him last night. He committed suicide", Louise told me. Something about her voice got me even more concerned. She didn't sound so good, like she was sort of empty. Understandable, of course.

"Wait, let me get this straight... David found your brother last night. Why was David up anyways?", I asked.

"Ask Felix, he has a funny way for wording that! Wait I'll put him on, he's sitting next to me", she laughed. So she can still laugh? Are they joking? I'll kill them if they are.

"Hey Lisa, long time no see", he started off sarcastic. "So, like I told your lovely twin here, I guess oldies have a problem"

I snorted. I didn't know if they were being for real yet, but that is funny, I have to give him that.

"As funny as you are, Felix, I'm not sure I'm understanding this yet...", I tried to get us back on track.

"Right, I'll give you our sister back now", he said while I heard him passing the phone along.

POV: Louise

"So, David had to pee, I guess. He found Noah in the bathroom with his arms all cut open. It was bad Lisa, his arms were barely hanging on. He surely didn't want to fail a second time. Then everybody was awake, and Amanda called Leah and me. We ran to the house, saw the blood and everybody was in shock. Then somebody called the cops and that was it I think. I didn't want to call you or mom yet, you had a match today and mom was sleeping as well. I think that's the whole story", I explained. 

"Oh how was your match by the way?", I asked after that. No reason to be sad all the time, I want to know whether they beat Sunderland AFC or not...

"We lost, 2-1. But anyways, that's horrible. I wish I could come over but my schedule isn't really allowing me to do so...", she sighed defeated.

"Better next time", I answered to her score line.


"You'll beat them next time", I got more into detail. Am I not speaking English?

"Enough about my match, Louise! Noah, he's, he's...", she began breathing frantically.

"Dead? Yep, as dead as Maradona I'm afraid", I said. Like I said, no reason to still be sad about it, right?

"Quit the jokes, man. This is not funny. I was just beginning to know my long lost family", she said. Well, if you put it like that, she never really got to know him sadly.

"Look, I'm sorry. I guess humor's Felix and my coping mechanism", I excused our behavior.

"It's fine. Look, I don't know what to say. They're waiting for me, I got to head back... I'll call you later tonight, alright?", she said. I think she doesn't really want to have to think about it right now. I get it though. Her team will ask her what's wrong anyways, she'll think about it enough as it is. I just hope Ruesha will keep herself in check... the stories I've heard about her from Leah. Apparently, Katie doesn't stop yapping about her greatest love.

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