Chapter 18: Ner(f)d

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I arrived back home an hour ago. Leah and I decided to be together again, as if we were ever even apart really... She dropped me off here, but she didn't stay. I told her I still needed time, but in a good way if that makes sense. For her it did, because she encouraged me. 

It was almost one in the morning now, so that meant that it was almost evening in America. So, I didn't care as usual and I called Alex's number. She gave it to me a couple of calls ago on Instagram, saying I should have it. She also gave Lisa's number, but I didn't call her yet. 

"Louise? What are you still doing up?", Alex greeted me. What a welcoming few words, right?

"Hello to you too Alex, yes I'm good and how was your day?", I mocked her.

"You know I didn't mean it like that", Alex somewhat scolded me to get me to get to the point of why I called her during (my) nighttime. 

"I just got back from my game, and then the hospital. Everything's fine before you freak out", I reassured her because I already saw her going crazy.

"What did you do now? Was it for a check up for your nosebleed?", she asked. Ok stalker, we get it, you watch my games. Probably every other move I make too.

"My brother tried to commit suicide", I blurted out. 

"Is he alright?", Alex asked concerned. 

"I think so. Physically yes, the doctor explained that he's gaining his strenght back but he should be alright tomorrow or the day after. Mentally, I don't know. I don't know a lot of things lately, mom", I explained. I usually don't call her mom yet, only if something is really bothering me, or when I just need a mother. And I think she is getting on to that, because she never reacts differently. The first time I genuinly called her 'mom', she didn't even flinch, as if it was never any different.

"Lous, listen. You can't control everything. And you know what? You don't have to. Not everything falls onto your shoulders. Look, you come from a family where your parents took care of businesses like this. You and your brothers didn't have to figure out life itself. You could explore and try and find who you are. But now they're not in the picture anymore, whether that's good or bad. That doesn't mean that you guys are on your own. Your brothers are not my biological kids, but they're your family. That means that they're mine now too. I'm here for you, Amanda is too I heard, Leah is by your side, and when you're ready, Lisa can be too", Alex soothed me. I think I needed to hear this from someone other than myself.

"How's Tobin?", I asked her out of the blue. I just needed to talk about something else.

"Do you want to talk to her?", she countered. Oh my God. I didn't have the chance to do so, because everytime we've called, she wasn't there.

"She's finally there?", I asked like a ten year old fan with big eyes. Alex chuckled.

"Wait a minute, I'll call out for her", Oh. My. God. "Tobin!", I suddenly heard. "Tobs!!". "Tobin Heath!", poor Tobin, she has to deal with this every day...

"I don't think she hears me", Alex pouted to the camera. She picked up a minor ankle injury last week and she still has trouble walking around the house, so this meant she had to go upstairs.

"Look Alex, I don't mind. We can talk another time, no worries", I reasoned. I was sad, but I would get my chance.

"I made my promise, I won't back down now", Alex said determined. I think she is a stubborn one. I haven't quite figured her out completely and everytime we call I discover new stuff about her.

"If you don't mind", I quickly jumped back to the opportunity. Hey, don't blame me, we're talking about Tobin Heath. I then heard Alex laugh again.

She was walking so slowly, I was dying at the suspense. When she finally reached the final step, I was almost juming up and down from excitement.

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