Chapter 22: Hangover?

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I just woke up. I don't know where I am, but I'm cozy, so I'm good. I could lie here for ever. I didn't even know someone was next to me until I felt them moving. Instinctively I thought it was Leah and I snuggled up to her.

But it wasn't. 

I felt a strong, hairy arm around my waist. Nope, that's definitly not Leah. 

I was snuggeling up to Jacob. Wat the hell am I doing? Laying in bed with the brother of my girlfriend? At least our clothes were on. I wanted to jump up, but even the thought of it gave me an enourmous headache. And then the memories from last night came flooding in.

Damn, safe to say I didn't keep my promise to Leah about keeping it with one beer. I definitly drank a lot yesterday, but she drank even more. All I can say is: the Belgian beer did not disappoint.

I tried my best, but I couldn't get up. My head was killing me. So, I decided to stay next to Jacob. I still don't know why we were laying together, but who am I to question a drunk me?

This all just gave me time to try and remember last nights events. I remember mom drinking a lot. Really, a lot. I don't think she could stand at the end. I don't want to know what she and Tobin did to be honest. Well, if they were capable of doing something, because Tobin was also wasted. I told you, the Americans fell first.

I think everyone just decided to stay here. I remember now that Leah stayed down to party some more while I was going up to her room. I guess I took a wrong turn and ended up in here. And Jacob was probably to drunk to notice someone was already in his bed.

Felix and Noah would probably be fine now. Even though I could not stop them from drinking a beer or two yesterday, they didn't take it this far. Not that they could have anyways, everyone was watching them.

I gathered enough strength to get up and go downstairs. I really, really needed an Advil or something. When I arrived in the living room after almost falling from the stairs, twice, I saw my favourite blonde hanging on the sofa, along with my mom and Tobin. Well, barely hanging on. Half her bodyparts were laying closely to the floor, and her head was resting on mom's lap.

Mom laid practically on Tobin, with her back against Tobin's front. It looked like a complete mess to be honest. So, me being me, I took a picture. This is going to be my new wallpaper.

I got around the corner into the kitchen for my long lost Advil. I was ready to swich on the lights, because it was still early in the morning, but when my finger hit the switch, my head exploded. Turned that shit back off so fast. Hangovers are no fun, let me tell you. I tried to grab my Advil in the dark, but of course that didn't work. So, I took pity on myself and sat down at the table and laid my head flat down on it. 

Only then I noticed last nights mess was still spread across every angle of the table. I saw an almost empty bottle of vodka which caused me to gag again. I know I drank a lot of that, but we don't need to say that out loud. Somewhere else was laying a piece of Lisa's dessert. Her cooking truly was a piece of art.

And there I went, falling asleep again. Sitting at a table with my head on it. I didn't find Amanda or David, but I hoped for their sake that they made it into their bedroom. I think they, along with my brothers, were the only people who took it somewhat slowly yesterday. The same can't be said for their son -or daughter. Damn, we did go quite hard. But we all bonded really good aswell, so that's a positive! 

I also didn't know where Lisa was. I located everyone in my head: Felix and Noah slept in the guestroom together this time. Normally Noah slept in Leah's old room, but now she was home, they went to sleep together. Not that it was nessecary eventually. I assumed that Amanda and David were in their room. I woke up next to Jacob, and Leah, mom and Tobin were laying on the couch. So that left me with Lisa. 

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