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Mingi chuckled at the blonde. "And why's that? Am I not attractive enough for you?" He licked his lips that's stretched into a smirk. Yeosang huffed at the boldness slightly amused. "Well, no you seem to carry yourself greatly. I'm just not interested in men" he excused, retracting his attention to the crowd again.

Mingi snickered shaking his head with a light smile. "Gender's an illusion, darling. Come on, if you're not interested let's just talk" he suggested. "I am bored as shit. I'll be good I promise" Mingi raised an eyebrow as if he was challenging Yeosang. Scoffing at the unattended drink he shrugged deciding to drink it by himself. "And your name was?" The taller asked nonchalantly again, sipping the tasty alcoholic drink.

Yeosang rolled his eyes at the stubbornness. He shrugged his shoulders to himself, judging it really wouldn't kill him to have a simple conversation with the other. Likewise, Wooyoung ditched him and he was bored as fuck.

Yeosang bit his lower lip as he stared into the man's dark, dark eyes. For a second he got lightheaded, as if he got drunk in them. He felt the tiniest attraction to the raven head for a split millisecond. "Yeosang" he spat, giving up. He tried smiling for no apparent reason. He ignored the gender illusion comment as if it never was spoken. "Yours?"

"Call me Mingi" the speaker nodded with satisfaction as he leaned back to the backrest of the chair. "Why are you here Yeosang? You look like you loath this place. Like you'd be better off in your quiet, sad apartment reading your book" Mingi gave voice to his thoughts. He was impressed with the blonde. No matter how hard he tried provoking his mind to like him more the younger just didn't seem to budge. Hard to get guys are sexy.

Yeosang gave an approving nod. The stranger couldn't be more right. "Yup, that's exactly what I need" the guy chuckled more to himself; "I came here for— honestly no idea; I just tended to my friend's begging" he cocked his head to the side, momentarily regretting yet again the decision. The blonde painter started feeling hot, taking off his jacket. Yeosang scanned the stunning stranger once again. He was sexy indeed. "So" he started "if you're as bored as you say, what are you doing here?"

"I had a busy day in... the company I work. I want to take some of the edge off" Mingi leaned forward, smirking. "Currently I'm trying to get in your pants" he spat, causing the human to choke on his drink. "Hey, just go find somebody else" Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows and Mingi raised his hands in a surrendering gesture. "I'm sorry, I promised I'll be good. Slip of a tongue" he grinned. "So entertain me Yeosang" the demon really liked the way the blonde's name rolled off his tongue. It felt like it was the most natural thing to speak.

The colonel was genuinely mesmerized by the human's beauty, the boy was dead ass gorgeous. Such a waste he didn't budge already, he'd have him bending over; pushing deep inside him by now.

Mingi could feel the purity, the fact that the blonde lived a sinless life, clean and nice one. It's been a while he found a heaven worthy guy. Such a waste, he is even a virgin. At least, in the homo world. And the most mind blowing part is that he chose to live like that. Mingi almost popped a boner at the thought of staining the pure existence with hellish energy.

Yeosang nodded his head, busy men are mature. That's good; he thought. "Me? Entertain you? How?" He asked befuddled. Mingi bit his lips as the rated scenarios that passed his mind as to how the younger could entertain him but he chose not to speak them aloud. "Just tell me about yourself, lil angel" he said instead.

"Well, I like reading books, painting and cooking" Yeosang introduced his interests neatly. Yeosang unconsciously focused on the lower, full lip that was trapped between the stranger's teeth. Mingi felt his goal nearer to him, intentionally bringing his tongue out to wet his lips sensually. The blonde's breath hitched at that, shaking his head out of the trance. He was high key embarrassed and confused with himself.

"Anywho. What about you? What do you do for a living?" Yeosang asked, noticing the formal attire. Mingi thought about his reply for a second before he smiled. "I run a very successful... firm. I'm the head of a department and even if it's a pain in the ass I still love it. It's what people would call... versatile." He giggled in his head. Well, it wasn't a full lie. Hell is successful and he is running a particular part of it.

"Oh that's cool. I paint" the human nodded his head impressed. The taller looked like he was some sort of a fighter, he was the complete opposite. Just a mere business man. "What kind of firm? Is it fashion related?" Yeosang asked yet again invested, the expensive clothes on the stranger made him look like he'd belong to that world. "And what do you usually do besides clubbing and well.. flirting?"

Mingi laughed softly at that "No, not exactly fashion but the rules of my firm strictly recommend to follow the latest trends." He laughed at the irony of his own words. "Well, Yeosang, you know I don't have a lot of time so flirting is my go to way to spend my free time" Mingi replied to his second question and before Yeosang could snort the other spoke again. "So... if you're drunk enough—enough to admit that you have some free time tomorrow; the business can spare me for an hour or two.. maybe even three. So I'd like to take you out for a coffee, and flirt" Mingi showed off a satisfied grin. Yeosang is hard to get but extremely his type henceforth if it meant that he had to take him on a fucking date to get him on his bed; then so be it.

Yeosang widened his eyes at the raw words. Who the hell invites you on a date like that? The blonde once again reminded himself that Mingi is a stranger and pulled his guards up again. He pushed himself a seat away again and shook his head alarmed. He blushed uncontrollably at the previous words but shook his head. "Well my apologies Mingi but I don't" he smiled sweetly as he lied through his teeth. Yeosang felt his heart on his mouth as he has always been weak a lying. "And I'm not drunk!" He squinted his eyes accusingly.

"Liar, liar pants on fire" Mingi sing sung amused. "Well, you could never tell a decent lie, right?" Mingi smirked down at his surprise. "That's tells me you're free tomorrow so.." he whispered. "You either really don't like me or you think I'm the boogie man that wants to kidnap you and trade you into slavery" he joked. 'Well I do want him under me in every possible way... as a demon and in my bed and as a demon in my bed' the demon grinned at his thoughts.

"Come on! I promise I won't fuck you without your consent!" Mingi persuaded but Yeosang coughed at the inappropriate ways. "I'll be good, just give me a chance" the taller begged trying to give the best puppy eyes a demon could muster. "I know you're not so bad to want to hurt my feelings" Mingi purred and Yeosang cursed at himself for not being meaner than he already was.

"Okay sure" the blonde rolled his eyes, defeated. Mingi smirked before his phone rang.

"Yeah?" He answered and his face dropped at the news. "Mingi! Come and deal with Yunho, he still refuses to take that kid's life!" Seonghwa's voice echoed, coming out like a mother's that was done with her immature son.

Mingi sighed as he bid his goodbye, reminding Yeosang that they had a date the next day; beside he stormed off. Yeosang stared emotionless at the retreating back, smiling to himself when he realized the other didn't even ask for his address. "Date my ass" he whispered before he also decided to take his leave. Well he might have drunk a bit more than he should have, his head was light.

How was that?
Mingi's character makes me feel giddy lol
I lope you liked it.

He looks so good and so illegal help

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He looks so good and so illegal help

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