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Jongho was doing his homework on this quiet Saturday night. His parents were out to meet their brothers and sisters in a nearby town. They begged him to join them but he'd rather die than socialize at the moment. Especially somewhere out of his comfort zone.

It's only recently that things got a bit more normal and better with his dear friend it has drained him. Don't get him wrong, he loves the fact but it required a lot of his mental strength and it wore him off.

He was so immersed into biological anatomy that when his doorbell was rang he went into a full on heart attack. Huffing he patted his chest down once before he stood up. His heart was still pounding in his chest when he arrived at the door. The time made him question about opening it but he still did, freezing when he saw San.

"Hey" San said as he gave a sad yet soft smile. It was so different and weird seeing him in that state. Void of cockiness and boldness. And he rang the bell, like a normal person. Usually he'd teleport out of nowhere and say something sexual, but not this time. It made Jongho tense.

"Is there anything wrong?" Jongho too whispered unconsciously. San shook his head but his eyes showed otherwise. The demon has been acting strangely ever since he helped bring Hongjoong back to them. Jongho was afraid to touch the matter so he kept quiet but the more time passes the more strange the demon acts.

"Come in." Jongho said as he stepped to the side to make room for the other to get in. San walked in without a second thought, actually more like dragged his feet in. His shoulders were slouched and his eyes were mindlessly studying the floor. With a heavy sigh he sat on the familiar sofa, dropping his head back to rest it on the backrest.

Jongho cautiously eyed the demon before he took a seat next to the spent male. "San what's going on?" He whispered once again, afraid of the other's reaction. History has shown that when he was pressuring the demon, it only resulted into him feeling like shit. All thanks to the same demon.

San smirked softly as he shook his head. "Nothing" he said right after as he brought a hand to pat down the soft brown locks. The older suddenly pushed the boy away slightly, forcing him to scoot a butt to the left before he took the liberty to lay down, using the lap as a pillow.

Jongho's eyes widened slightly before he lifted a hand to hesitantly pat the short hair down. He wasn't sure if San was tired or if he was seeking comfort in his own way.

"Your friend" he spoke in a raspy voice, making Jongho's hand movements freeze momentarily. "Is he okay?" He asked when he made sure Jongho had his attention. The human's ears peaked at the sudden interest. "He is doing better. Mr. Yunho persuaded him to attend the doctor's session." He unconsciously smiled at the thought. All San did was to release a short but content hum.

"Why?" Jongho asked, couldn't keep his curiosity. When San refused to open his mouth the teen sighed frustrated. "Okay, can you please tell me what is wrong with you? Ever since that day you've been acting strange." Jongho's eyebrows met in worry.

San might have been a dick in more than enough occasions, but he still was soft more than those times towards the human. It created a weird but a definite sense of a connection.

"It's just.. I don't know. He reminds me of someone." The demon sighed before he turned to his right. "Who?" The younger pushed but San bit his lip as his eyes met with the other's.

"It reminds you of you doesn't it? I can't explain it any other way." Jongho mumbled, San quirking an eyebrow. "You really have a smart brain, don't you?" San chuckled softly. "Well, yes. He reminds me of me when I was still a human. It's not a fond memory." The demon chuckled without any humor.

Jongho bit his lip to stop his mouth from talking. He wanted to ask more but he was scared. He doesn't want to fight with San again. The demon has been moody for a long time already.

"My dad was abusive." San replied anyway having sensed the obvious curiosity in the air. Jongho's jaw dropped before he pouted sadly. "I'm so sorry." He whispered. "Are you sad?" He asked again and San paused to think before he responded. He shook his head no though. "I wouldn't say sad. Just unsettled?" He hummed. "I don't like remembering about my human days." He honestly confessed before he closed his eyes to rest.

Jongho who didn't know what to do or say proceeded with playing with the other's hair. The silence dragged for a while and Jongho was starting to feel his eyes drop before San spoke again. He honestly thought the demon was asleep by now. "You should go to bed first." He stood up, pulling the boy on his feet.

"No I need to study." Jongho rubbed his face tiredly, letting himself being pulled to his bedroom. San rolled his eyes scoffing. "For what? Tomorrow is Sunday." He turned to look at the other who had his eyes almost closed shut. Snorting he forced the human to lay on the bed before he joined him. "Just sleep baby boy." San whispered in his ear as he wrapped his hands protectively around the younger.

When the sun shined in his eyes the following morning, Jongho stretched releasing the stuffiness of his sleep. He opened his eyes, looking at the demon who surprisingly was already looking at him.

"What?" Jongho spat, eyeing the other weirdly. San chuckled before he leaned in to leave a peck on the boy's pursed lips. Jongho gasped, his hands on the older's chest to keep him from crushing him. With wide open eyes he raised his eyebrow. "What was that for?"

"Nothing I just felt like doing that." San shrugged his shoulders. "Stand up. Cook for me." San rocked his body, moving Jongho as well on the meanwhile. "I'm not a good cook." Jongho frowned and San laughed genuinely. "It's okay. Come on let's go." He pulled the boy up yet again as he walked towards the kitchen.

Jongho did as he was told, cooked something easy that wouldn't leave them hungry. San was acting weird yet again but in a different way. Like he was too sweet for no reason and it was making Jongho feel uncomfortable but good at the same time; if it even makes sense.

San was looking intensely at him while they ate and Jongho couldn't take it any more. "Why are you looking at me like that?" He whined and San smiled softly, his eyes turning to little crescents. "I think I know why you keep pulling me like a magnet." San said out of the blue and Jongho cocked his head to the side.

"And that would be?" He asked genuinely curious. "You resemble my first and only love." San said casually before he popped another piece of sausage in his mouth, causing Jongho to choke on his food.

The demon pushed his glass of water towards the teen. "Drink some water." He smiled yet again when the boy obeyed, gulping the liquid like his life depended on it. And honestly at this specific moment, it did.

"Didn't know you were capable of that in any form" Jongho mumbled against the glass but San still heard it, faking an offended gasp. "You're hurting my feelings." He joked before he continued to eat.

It was the human's turn to observe the other. Every single time San opens his mouth it just makes Jongho more curious about him, and more willing to unwrap the mystery the demon turns out to be.

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