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Yeosang groaned as he heard his doorbell being rang. "Who and why the fuck" he mumbled under his breath as he scratched his messy head. With half opened eyes he opened the door unamused. There was a tall stranger in his doorstep and Yeosang would ask who he was only if his mind didn't show him the previous on Yeosang's life.

"Huh?" He widened his eyes. It was him. The stranger from the club last night. "Wh-What are you doing here?" He exclaimed surprised, pulling his dress tee lower to cover his exposed legs. Mingi's eyes shamelessly focused on those legs making the painter blush madly.

"Why? I thought we had a coffee date today" the deep voice resonated before the demon finally lifted his eyes, smirking at the shade of pink on the other's face. "How did you even know I live here?" Yeosang asked alarmed and borderline scared. Mingi tilted his head still smirking as intimidatingly as ever. "I have my own ways" is all he said causing the other to huff in disbelief.

"Really now, you creep?" He sighed ruffling his hair. "Wait here" Yeosang said and he ran to his room to have a quick shower before he changed to something proper. He wasn't in the mood to decorate himself at all so he just threw a black button up and some black pants. He ruffled his wavy hair to give them a neat but messy look and he grabbed his purse.

Coming to the living room he saw the tall man looking around his living room interested. "I'm ready let's get this over with" he rolled his eyes and Mingi chuckled. "I love when you show your enthusiasm" he said following the shorter closely.

Mingi headed to his motorcycle smugly throwing a helmet to the human, who caught it a second before it hit the ground with an expression of disbelief. "You could warn, you know" he sassed as he fiddled with the strap of it frustrated. He doesn't do this daily. Amused, Mingi walked nearer clicking the strap himself as his hands ran over the human's arms suggestively.

Yeosang spat a venom coated thanks before he jerked the other's hands away. Mingi only smirked hopping over the vehicle. Yeosang got on too halfheartedly, arms wrapping around the strong torso as the rider was going on it at an ungodly speed.

When Mingi parked outside a cute looking cafe Yeosang shot him a judging look. Definitely not where he expected to be taken. "What?" Mingi spat almost offended. "Nothing" the painter replied suspiciously.

They sat down, across each other as the shorter had crossed his arms against his chest. If you didn't know you'd think they were a couple that just argued. "So?" Mingi asked, clearing his throat.

"So?" Yeosang repeated nonchalantly. Mingi rolled his eyes smiling at the amusement he felt. "So tell me about yourself." Mingi asked and Yeosang sighed loudly. "I did. Yesterday. Next question" he said and Mingi bit his lips; the urge to shut the sassy mouth in dirty ways too tempting.

"Okay then. When are you going to let me have a taste?" Mingi asked and Yeosang raised a questioning eyebrow. Hesitantly he pushed the mug of his hot pumpkin spice latte towards Mingi. "Be my guest?" He voiced as unsure as ever.

The demon laughed at the reaction. Pushing him the mug back, leaning forward. "Not of the coffee... of your lips" he winked and Yeosang felt hot under the intense stare. Mingi running his sinful tongue over his seductive lips didn't help at all. "Never" the blonde smiled extra politely, in a mocking manner.

"Your sassiness is attractive to me; in case you use it to push me away" the taller said sipping his Irish coffee casually. Who drinks alcohol at fucking 11 in the morning?

Yeosang chocked on thin air at the statement, feeling his stomach tingling. Maybe he's more submissive than he thought he was. "Oh really? That was unnecessary but I don't care about that either" Yeosang coughed awkwardly.

Mingi's eyes were so enchanting, the more he looked at them the more charismatic he seemed to become. And the arrogant cockiness? If Yeosang had a pussy it'd start wetting up.

Everyone is a little freaky, don't judge him.

"Can you stop looking me in the eyes?" Yeosang whined and for a second the strong guy facade crumbled and he looked like a cute teenager. Mingi smiled warmly unconsciously at the sight. "Why? Makes you hard?" He deadpanned and Yeosang let such a loud gasp he almost swallowed his tongue. "W-Wh-what? No! it's c-creepy is a-all" the human choked, hitting himself mentally for stuttering like a high school girl.

Mingi grinned evilly "oh... sure" he replied sarcastically. "How old are you Yeosang?" He asked suddenly and the latter was thankful the subject shifted. "26" the smaller answered and the demon just let a hum out, acknowledging the fact.

"So pure for a grown ass man" he whispered and Yeosang glared at him. "The heck?" He asked offended and the raven head chuckled. "It was a compliment. Makes wanna devour you more now. Taste your pretty little ass" he explained and Yeosang's jaw dropped, looking at the other aghast.

Yeosang didn't even know such words could affect him but boy, oh boy was he proven wrong. He but his lower lip hard. Things aren't going as planned at all. He was supposed to drink his coffee go back home and forget about the handsome man; not get aroused by him.

"S-stop that!" He scolded and Mingi's smirk deepened. "Why? It's true.. I'd like to take you so hard that you'll only remember me and my cock." He proceeded and Yeosang stood up at the comment. "I'm going home" he said and Mingi giggled "Is that an invitation?" He asked laughing at the way Yeosang stormed out.

Mingi followed the human out, ushering him to get on the bike. It took some convincing that Mingi would only take him home and head to his own for the shorter to comply. But eventually he did and they arrived quickly.

He got off ready to flee only for the demon to call his name, halting his escape. "What?" He asked hurriedly and Mingi came closer to him. "You have dried whipping cream on your lips" the taller grinned at the attempts of the younger to get the imaginary stain off. "Let me help" he whispered, cupping the younger's face as he leaned forward.

What Yeosang didn't expect is for the sharp tongue to glide over his lips sensually. He widened his eyes as he blushed once again. "There you go" Mingi whispered, while his eyes started right through the other's soul. Yeosang turned on his heals entering the house quickly before he slammed the door right on the demon's face.

He's in deep trouble.

How'd you find Mingi? 🤭
I hope you liked this character!

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